chapter 34

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Mews pov

Gulf is getting bolder  everyday  I was surprised when he visited me in my office and we did  it there.  I am not complaining though. But like shy he doesn't like my secretary also.   tar is very good at his work I don't know why my boyfriend and my bestfriend doesn't like him. I never noticed somethings wrong about him he act like a normal employer to me I'll never noticed he flirted me like shy said.

Today's gulfs graduation so I cancel  all my meetings today to attend their ceremony my parents are here too ofcourse  there son in-law big day today.  My parents and I we will meet at university getting out in my condo carrieng the favorite flowers of gulf I am on my way to university.

I parked my car get the flowers and walk straight to the auditorium where the  graduation ceremony  held.  Mama Anne wave her hand at me. I saw my parents beside them.

" Hi mom and dad" I greeted my parents." Good morning pa and ma"  I said to gulf's parents.

" Set down son, they are about to start the program" mama said

I set beside my parents and they started the program. one teacher of the faculty  starting calling the names of the students   one by one and later on we heard the name of my boyfriend he came up to the stage to receive his diploma fallowed by his friends.

Gulf saw us he wave his hand he mouthed I love you to me and i mouthed  I love you too. He never miss saying I love you to me every day since we become boyfriends. And the ceremony finally done  gulf come closer to us I give him the flower " congratulations baby" he hug me first before he hug his parents

" What a good son,  for hugging his  boyfriend first before his parents " mama said pouting

" Love, just let your son be, " papa console her.

" Bestie your so dramatic " my mom added." Let's go to  shy restaurant I made a reservation there to celebrate our son in-law graduation congratulations honey"

" Thanks mommy" gulf hug my mom.

" What about me where is my hug" dad exclaimed

Gulf hug my dad I just smiled at them looking tem like this I couldn't ask for more.


" So when did you two get married? Mommy suddenly utterd. We are now here in shy restaurant currently eating.

" Mom it's early to think about that I want  some time with my boyfriend I want to enjoy more being us boyfriend" I said

" It's not early son, you both are in legal age now and if you two are married you can have more time to each other" daddy said.

" A, we will think about that mom and dad" gulf utterd.

" Okay let us know if you are decided " mama Anne said.

Me and gulf just nodded.

" Hey  sweety congratulations" shy shouted

She kissed gulf forehead then she hug our both parents." Wheres my kiss? " I asked

" Why? are you gradueting also?" She laughed at me.

" That's enough shy set here and eat with us!" Mama said

" Is food okay? I'm sorry this is  all I can do!"

" The food is delicious shy don't worry, I like it" mom said.

" Hayss thank God! So what did I miss?" Shy wiggle her eyebrow looking at me and gulf.

" We just ask them, if when they plan to get married" papa said.

" And?"

" They will think about it" daddy answer.

" Ohh I'm so exited to witness the wedding of my bestfriend" shy whining.

"Baby boy, just tell me the date okay na and I will help all the preparation" shy said to gulf

" Yes phi I will "

Gulf and I just looked at each other.


" Babe, do you want me to move in here in your condo? " gulf said we are now laying on my bed we are just finished our love making

" Baby  If it's okay with you then no problem with me you can move here anytime you want  "

" Okay I will move my things here tomorrow before you get back from the office I am here waiting for you" he said cheerfully.

" I like that baby, what about the wedding are you okay with that?"

" We will talk about that next time babe for now lets sleep I'm so tired"

" It's not my fault though your the one who keep asking more and more" I teased him.

He slap my arm " shut up will you"

I giggled at his cuteness I wrapped my hand all over his body and kisses his forehead "sleep well baby love you"


Me and gulf bid goodbye to each other he went to their house to get some things and me going to my office. I am smiling thinking that me and gulf living in my condo together.

" Good morning sir you look so happy " tar ask me

" Yes today is the very special day"

" Okay sir do you need coffee I will make for you.? He offered

" No need tar thankyou"

Yes I obeyed my paranoid bestfriend I'll never ask tar to make my coffee again.

I have nothing to do so I called my boyfriend.

"Hey baby are you done packing your things?"

"Yes babe I already here at your condo I am also done arranging my things"

" I miss you baby"

" Miss you too babe"

" Love you"

" Love you too hmwaa"

Okay I'll hung up the phone now my secretary is here see you latter baby.

" Ohh tar do you need anything?" I ask him

" Yes sir I need you"

" What did you say?"

" I love you sir for a long time now" tar confessing to me so my bestfriend is right.

" Tar, you are good at your work don't ruin my trust on you and I have already a boyfriend you meet him already"

" Mew I can make you happy more than he can do, I can do what he can do, I can give you pleasure also, just choose me just give me a chance I will give you heaven I"

" That's enough tar no one can replace gulf in my heart I will choose him a million times find someone who can love you with all their heart" I cut him off

The next move of tar take me of guard he is short but he manage to hold my nape And claimed my lips and the door was  suddenly open and I saw gulf  I pushed tar away from me I fallowed gulf

" Baby let me explain"  I hold him but he slap my hand

" Don't you dare touch me! and don't talk to me don't fallow me either" he said and walk out

Ohh god not again.

To be continued


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