chapter 12

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Mews pov

I just got home In my condo from the mall with San my boyfriend! Yes I already accept his love for me we celebrate our third monthsary today!

Gulf and I have never talk after that night in my condo even though we see each other sometimes hanging out with our friends we ignore each other presence especially when San is with me.

After taking a bath I set in the sofa with boxers only. I am care free. sometimes I am just wearing a brief thats a prevalage of living alone! I was about to enter my room when someone knocked on the door.

" Mew are you awake"

" This is gulf if you can hear me can you open the door."

When I heard the name gulf quickly open the door without thinking that only boxer I am wearing.

" Come in" I said

Gulf gulp roaming his eyes around me slowly swallowing his saliva. When I realized.

" Ohh just, just set down in the sofa I get some clothes to wear" I said shuttering.

I turned around heading to my room when suddenly gulf hold my wrist and pinned me to the wall kissed my lips hungrily.

He kissed me on my forehead, my face down to my nick back to my lips until I kissed him back the way he kissed me. We slowly walking without parted our lips until I seated on the sofa and gulf straddle me he touch every part of my body. He kissed my nick down to my chest.

" Uhh hmm " I moaned when I feel his mouth sucking my nipple.

Where he learn it? Why I am wondering he has a girlfriend so maybe they did it already.

Gulf let go my nipple. He is slowly went down. knees on the ground kissing my navel then he move inches away from me I look at him wondering. then suddenly he pulled away my boxer down to my knees my Simi hard dick sprung in his face he look at me lustfully.

" Ahmmm " gulf what are you doing I asked him instead of answering me

he hold my dick stroke it from head to tip and suck it up and down.

" Ahh hmmm g, gulf" I moaned I feel his hot mouth eating my shaft

Gulf kissed the slit of my dick suck it again and again

"That's it hon! Suck me harder uhh harder" I demand

Gulf obeyed and suck me harder faster and deeper

" Ahh I'm gonna I'm gonna cum!!" I utterd.

" Cum inside my mouth love let me taste it " gulf said looking at me.

"Ahhhhhhh" I splurt my cum inside his mouth and I am shocks he swallowed it.

" Your seeds taste good love!" He said while licking my cum in his lips

I laid my head on the sofa panting when suddenly gulf seated on my lap then kissed me i kissed him back try to shove my tounge in her mouth I succed. Our tounge battled inside his.

" Touch me love touch me! " he said between our kisses

" Are you sure honey?" I asked

" I am very sure"

I held him and make sit on the sofa left up his shirt and trew it anywhere. I claim his lips biting, nibbling until it swallowing my kiss went down to his neck I sniffed and suck it leaving a hickeys! I let go of his neck my lips stop to his inviting hard nipple. I suck it hard as if I could get some milk from there

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