special chapter (mew proposal)

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Authors pov

Mew and thier friends at shy resto bar celebrating shy birthday.

" Happy birthday our duather"

Mr and Mrs Joong said shy is like  daughter to them. Shy even call them mommy and daddy and for gulf's parents mama and papa

"  Thank you mom and dad "

" Sorry we are late" Mrs Joong said

" It's okay mom, the real celebration is not started yet." Shy said.

Later on the parents of gulf has arrive.

" Happiest birthday our daughter in-law." Mr and Mrs traipipa greeted shy

" Thanks ma and pa"

" Ohh babe my parents and your parents is here?"

" Ma why didn't you tell me you will come to shy birthday ? we could come here together!" Gulf approach to his parents.

" I forgot son, I'm sorry" mama anne said

" Now that we are all here sweety come here I have a surprise for you" shy said to gulf.

" Phi you are the birthday celebrant how come you are the one who have surprised for me?."

" Just sit here and enjoy my performance" shy wink  lead gulf to sit in the chair.

Shy went to the mini  stage and  started to sing.

🎶It's not the flower wrapped in fancy paper it's not the ring I wear around my fingers there's nothing it all the world I need when I have you here beside me, here beside me   🎶

And mew went closer to gulf.

" Baby can I have this dance?"

Gulf Surprised when mew ask him to dance but he manage to answer his boyfriend.

" I don't know how to dance babe but alright let's dance! "

Mew held the hand of gulf and put it into his shoulder and his hands wrapped into gulf's waist Their today swaying as shy continue singing

🎶 so You could give me wings to fly and catch me if I fall or pull the star down from the sky so I could wish from them all but I couldn't ask for more your love is  the greatest gift of all🎶

While mew and gulf dancing Thier friends join them so as Thier parents.

🎶 I your arms I found the strength inside me. and in your eyes there's light to guide me, I would be lost without you and all that my heart could ever want you come true🎶

When the music about to end mild and first pull the string and latter on there's a word suddenly appear "   will you marry me?"  Gulf read it on his mind.

" Babe wh.."

Gulf could not finished his word when he turn around he saw mew kneeling in front of him holding a ring he put his hand on his mouth and gasps.

" Baby today is not just my bestfriend birthday.    Because I want this day to be memorable for us. in front of our parents and friends I want you to be mine forever."  mew smiling said to gulf going gulf we'll say yes.

" Baby will you spend the rest of your life with me? Will you Mary me?" Mew finally ask gulf.

Gulf try his best not to cry he never expect that today mew will proposed to him. He just look at mew blankly

" Sweety I know you are happy but there's is someone infront of You still kneeling waiting for your answer " shy said it using the microphone.

Because of what shy said gulf back to his senses.

" Ohh I'm Sorry I... "

" Why you are saying sorry?  You don't want to marry me baby?" Mew cut him off nervously thinking that gulf declined him

" You idiot!!,  can you please listen to me first" gulf said

Mew just nodded

"I've dreaming of  this to happen and now it is happening.. I.."

" And?"  Shy cut him off

" You two are really bestfriend!!" gulf said while looking at mew and shy.

"  of course babe i will spend the rest of my life with you. Yes I will marry you" gulf said he bend down and  hold mews face in his both hands and  claimed his lips.

Mew broke the kiss.

" Baby wear this ring First" mew said and put the ring on gulf's ring finger then they kissed again

" Congratulations to the both of you " Thier both parents said.

" Yeah finally my bestfriend getting married I can die now" shy said and she come closer to the newly engaged and hug them.

" Mine, I already told you I don't wanna hear dying words from you " mew scolded his shy.

Shy just shrugged her shoulder

" Thank you everyone for your support and for helping me this plan" mew said shift his gazed on Thier friends

" So now that everything is settled lets eat I am hungry" mild said.

They eat and after that they talk about the date of mew and gulf wedding. In the middle of Thier talking suddenly tar enter and he point the gun straight to gulf.

" Mew won't love me, mew wouldn't be mine if you still breathing" tar said and pull the trigger of the gun he was holding

But before the bullet hits gulf shy quickly hug gulf and cover his body instead of gulf the bullet hit shy. Gulf holds shy body then he was shock when there was a blood in her hands.

They we're all shocked and none of them could move even tar  until. The supposed to be a happy birthday and engagement celebration turn out to be the bloody one.

" Babe, P'Shy is hit " gulf shouted he  slowly seated on the floor holding shy body 

They all come to their senses mew run to gulf holding shy and Ja and boat come closer to tar and hold him while first get the gun in tar's hand. Mild called the ambulance.

" Mine, mine! Don't close your eyes stay with us please" mew said he was crying. Holding his bestfriend body covered with blood

" Phi, hold on the ambulance is coming" mild said

Then the ambulance come together with the police . the police officer get tar and the gun.

Mew slowly  stand and carried the body of his bestfriend to the ambulance car shy already passed out . Gulf and mew ride on the ambulance heading to the hospital.

" Please hurry up I don't want to lose my bestfriend" mew pleaded.

" Phi shy hold on phi don't leave us " gulf said holding her  hands.

They arrive at the hospital straight to the emergency room good thing the doctor has already there.

To be continued



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