chapter 17

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Gulf pov

  I am packing my things right now I'll be going home in Thailand it's been two years since I am  staying here in the Philippines.

That two years is not easy for me adjusting the people around me and the weather too. For  that two years I am still keep in touch with my friends especially mild  he said that mew being closer to them. They hangout Everytime they have free time but we haven't talk about mew after that.

My mother also told me that mew visits them once a week  well I am glad because of his presence my parents will not miss me that much!

I only live in aunt marlene house for two months and I live in the condo for the rest of two years. Aunt marlene doesn't want me to move in their house but after I tell her about puifai's bahavior she finally agreed.



I am standing her  outside in  aunt marlene house when suddenly puifai pressed his lips against mine I'll never get a chance to move I was stunned for what she did.

" Why you did that?" I ask her after I disconnected my lips to her.

" I'll already told you that I like you.  and I will do anything! For you to be mine " she said and  entered the house.

What would I do to you spoiled brat!

After that incident I start avoiding  puifai as much as  I can but she never stop. there are one night that he entered my room with only towel covering her body.

Puifai is sexy and beautiful but I am  not attracted to her, looking at her body not affecting me. All  I want  is mews body.

Everytime I think of mews body my cock getting hard. And I will automatically run to the restroom touch my dick until I can release my seeds.

"Aunt marlene thankyou for accepting me but I want  to move in the condo"

" But why? this is all of the sudden"   aunt marlene said.

"Actually aunt I can stand on puifai' bahavior" I said.

" Thorn told me already! And I'm sorry for that" aunt marlene said " when did you plan to move? "

" Tomorrow aunt"

" Okay I will make sure that puifai wont see you are living and she will never find your address I'm sorry again." Aunt marlene hug me.

Since then I am staying at my condo, sometimes I'll visit aunt marlene in their house  after three months puifai found out  my condo unit she come over.

" Finally I found you" he said whining attempt to hug me but I stop her by puting my right hand on the air.

" What are you doing here?"

" Ofcourse to visit you, I miss you" he said pouting her lips.

" For once puifai can you stop bothering me! How many times do I have to tell you.  that I don't like you and I'm Inlove with someone else have a shame on your self you pushing  your self towards me. You   look like a slut chasing over me even if you are naked  infront of me I will never love you! " I said with an angry tone.

He slap me and walking away angrily.

I know I am so mean to her I don't like the words come out to my mouth either. but I need to say that so she stop bothering me.

After that day she never bother me anymore I see her in aunt marlene house she's the one who  avoiding me.

" Don't worry I'll already talk to her I'm hoping she won't bother you anymore!" Aunt marlene said.

       Flashback ends


On my way to the airport now I am so excited and happy finally I can see them again my parents wants to visit me in the Philippines but I tell them they don't have too we can see each still see each via messenger.

The airplane taking off ready to fly. I slept on the airplane, the next thing I know we landed already on Thailand airport. Getting out my self to the airplane. I roam my eyes all over the airport and there I saw my  my friends.waving the  banner with my name written on it.

" Do you expect someone else come after you except us?" Mild said after I hug them one by one.

" Ofcourse yes my parents where are they!"

" In your house waiting for you, someone visited them so they asked us to pick you up" first said " I missed you G"

" I miss you too all of you! Let's go I want to hug my parents badly"  I carried my laugage heading to the car.

" Are you sure!  that only your parents you want to hug badly"  boat said grinning following me.

" I don't love all of you anymore! Your team up just to teased me"  I pretend to be mad at them.

" We're sorry na G."mawin said


" Sweety I miss you so much" mama hug me tight

" Miss you too ma, and to you to pa"

Papa smiled at me and hug me after mama let go of me

" Welcome home honey! you look great and more handsome!" Aunt Anne said mews mom!. She hug me

" Thankyou aunt anne" I hug her back!"

" Ohh!! it's not fair honey,  our son calling your parents ma and pa and you!  your just calling us auntie and uncle please call us mom and dad na." mews mom said.

" Okay and" I said shuttering

" Ehh how cute the way you called us mom and dad! Your gonna used to it!" Uncle Luis said dad Luis rather.

After  eating our dinner mews parents bid goodbye to us while my friends staying for sleep over!

" Are you disappointed because mew is not here?" run said.

We are now laying at my bed " ofcourse not! All I want to see is my parents and you guise!"

" Hmm if you say so!  any way  Did mild tell you that mew and San break up already two years ago!" First said.

" I will sleep now ! I am tired " I said and yawn! Ignoring what first said



" I miss you baby"

" I miss you too babe, hmmm ahh harder babe harder"

" Baby your so tight i am cumming! Ahhh mmmp"

" Cum inside me babe filled me with your cum, ahhh"

" Im cu..cumming ahhh"

" Me to babe me to ahhh." .


I scream when I feel a hard thing on my back when I open my eyes I am laying on the floor

" Are you okay bestie?" Mild ask  and help me to stand.

" I'm okay!, Just a little pain in my hips."

What a wet dream.

🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

A/n ( I like Luis manzano and Anne Curtis! This is fanfiction so I used their names for mews parents and also angel locsin and Richard Gutierrez for gulf's parents name☺️)

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