chapter 27

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Gulfs pov

Its Saturday today so I will never meet P'Shy I don't know how to face her I am not ready to admit my feelings for her boyfriend. But mild us right sooner or later I need to face this and to be honest   P'Shy already know that I love P'mew but as a friend.

I log in to my ig account then I  saw the uploaded picture of mild with the caption.

{almost complete 🤗} 

in the picture there is boat, mawin, run, ja and first P'Shy is also there where is P'mew?

[😓 ]My comment

[Missing you here G] first reply

[Get ready baby boy! I will pick you up] P'Shy reply to my comment.

[No need Phi, I still have a headache, from last night] I replied.

[ Are you sure,?  mew will be  here later] she said

[Yes phi,]  I said

[Okay don't forget to take a medicine.] She reminded me, she's caring.

After our conversation I log out my account. And went down stairs, I saw my mother in the living room.

" So mew already courting you huh! " Mama said

" How do you know ma?"

She pointed the bouquet of sunflower" that's the proof "

" Ma P'mew  has a girlfriend already, " I said and sit beside her. Leaning my head to her shoulder.

" Hmm what's with you today, your so clingy" mama said

" I miss you" I said

" Ohh my sweet boy I miss you too honey!" Mama kissed my forehead.

" Ma can I asked something?"

" Yeah, spell it."

" What if your falling Inlove with the boyfriend of your close friend? What will you do? or what if the boyfriend of your close friend kissed you.?"  I asked playing my hands

"This question is for your friend or for You?"

am I so ovused? Ohh my I'm doomed.

" For my friend ma," I said

" I can't believe you asking me like this honey, you are old enough to handle this situation, but if you ask me, I think you must,  I mean your  friend must  tell to his/her closed friends because the Truth will set you free and no awkwardness between the two of them, now about that boyfriend thing.  your friend need to ask him why he did that?  He  has already in a ralationship to someone, and the misunderstanding, confusions  need to settle. so you can live happily and have a peace of mind" mama said

I guess I need to tell P'Shy but before that I will talk to mew first.

" Are you listening to me son? " Mama asked.

" Yes ma I am, thankyou love you " I said and hug and  kissed her cheeks.

" Your always welcome! Honey say good luck to your friend for me."

Yes ma I will tell to my self.


This is it,  it's now or never here I am standing infront of mews condo I knocked once  and thank God the door open in my second try

" G gulf your h, here! Come in " mew surprised and shuttering at the same time who could not.

His condo nothing much change I sit on the sofa  did  phi mew and phi shy do it here! Just like mew and I did here two years ago?

" So what do you mean by you don't want to hurt my bestfriend and who is my girlfriend? " Mew suddenly utterd.

Did I mention, I don't want to hurt his bestfriend? and who is  his bestfriend now I'm confused.

" Yes I don't want to hurt P'Shy so stop sending flowers to me. for the sake of  your girlfriend and that kissed forget about it I am felling guilty for doing that  " I said almost pleading.

" And why on earth phi shy get hurt when I send you flowers, she's the one who keep saying me to court you and who is my girlfriend can you just explain everything to me because right now I don't understand you"

What P'Shy told him to send me flowers why she would do that? Why let her boyfriend Court some one else.

" You and P'Shy are together right she is your girlfriend " finally I said it.

" No P'Shy is my besfriend and I don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend because I am waiting for you your the only one in my heart gulf" mew confess " and I'm sorry my bestfriend fooled you actually she and our friends knows the truth and I just knew it. the night that we kissed in the restroom.

My body stiffing what I heard I feel betrayed all this time they fooled me but how can I hate them I know there's a reason behind.

" And what about you? You and your girlfriend are  you together until now? Are you planing to get married after you graduate?  " mew ask

It's my turn to confused now.

" What girlfriend? Me have a girlfriend? Are you kidding me? "

" No I'm not I saw you too kissing?"

" You saw us? Where? When?" I ask.

" In the Philippines after San and I break up i come to your house to talk to you but your parents said that you already fly to your aunt marlene place, but papa give me the address where you are staying so I fallow you there then I was about to get out on the taxi but suddenly a girl kiss you in the lips so I decided to go to hotel  while waiting for my flight back to Thailand." Mew explained.

Ohh my gosh! He fallowed me he fallowed me I want to kiss him right now but that can be wait we need to settle this mis understanding.

" The girl you saw its puifai adopted daughter of aunt marlene. she confess her love to me, and that kissed you saw I am also surprised for that but I pushed her and I bet that's the thing you never saw. And I'll never stay in aunt house for two years I'll stay in condo to avoid puifai because I don't love her not, never! And you know why? B"

" I don't know" mew cut me off

" Because of you!  the reason why I go to the  Philippines because I can't bear to see you in someone else, it's hurting me mew it's do you hear me! it's  hurting me so much! Because I love you I love you. you dumbass idiot ugly monkey."  Atlast I said my real feelings to him

To be continued


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