chapter 19

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Mews pov

I am setting here in my office everyday, sometimes I get bored. But what can I do this is my responsibility now. And I am preparing for my future with gulf, thats if he give me a chance it's been two weeks since he come back here in Thailand. I want to see him but I don't have a courage to face him and I'm sure his happy now with his girlfriend .

" Beh let's eat my treat" Maribel said but I call her marie

I was surprised when I saw her I quickly stand up and hug her I thought she was joking when she said that she will visiting me

" Yeah sure! Wait I will change my clothes" I said disconnect my body to her " Where do you want to eat?"

" You can take me anywhere!" She smiled.

We came out from my office Marie wrap her hands around my arm. my secretary just looking at us smiling wide. I must say she is not only my secretary she is more than that.

" Enjoy your date sir mew!" She smirked

" You can join us if you want!" Marie approach her.

" I want too, but my boss is so annoying today he give a lot of work to do." My secretary said.

I took Marie on a restaurant not far from my office. Marie is my highschool friend or should I say she's one of my best friends. She's living in the Singapore and she will be getting married next month. She want to have a bond with me before her wedding day.

As always she so sweet towards me, we are feeding each other now and I even kissed her forehead. I love her because she's my bestfriend

In the middle of our sillyness I saw a familiar car. In front of the restaurant where we are eating.

" Is that gulfs car?" I utterd

" Who's gulf that you are saying beh" Marie asked me I guess she heard me.

" No nothing maybe I mastakenly someone that I know" I said hope she would believe.

" Okay let's continue eating and after this I will fly back to the Singapore"

" Really! But You just came!"

Marie chuckled and said " Yes, I was saying in the phone earlier I am here just to bond with you for the last single moment of my life. because next month I'm gonna be a double haha " she giggled.

After we finished eating Marie went to the airport she just ride on a taxi I offer to send her to the airport but he declined it.

" Thanks for today mewmew love you" marie said hugging me.

" Your welcome Marie , love you too." I said and hug her too .


" How's your date! Mew?" My secretary asked me whining when I was about to enter my office.

" Come to my office! Your Annoying me did you know that?" I demand

She fallowed me.

" What happened! Sir why are you hotheaded" she smirk

" How can you teased me when you know already who's Marie?"

" Awwh I'm sorry na! I just missed teasing you" she said still smiling.

Shy is my Best friend also, she already know Marie that's why she let enter Marie on my office without asking my permission.
I meet shy when I was in highschool she's three years ahead from me she love music so we click and we become best friends.

When she was in college he work as my dad's secretary. and when dad let me manage J&T he asked shy to be my secretary my parents also know that she's one of my best friends, she also knew the story between me and gulf, when San and I break up and gulf went to the Philippines she's the one who comforting me she never leave by my side.

" Here, your ever dearest gulf drop that paper earlier" shyb said puting a polder into my desk.

" What time he come here?"

" One hour after you left, with Marie "

" Okay I think I saw his car at the restaurant were I and Marie eated."

" He is more handsome now, than the last picture of him you send to me" she said while preparing my coffee.

" I know but I am still handsome than him" I proudly said.

" Yeh yeh" your handsome suppasit! " She mocking me " what ever!"

Maribel and shy has their own saying may name in a cute way! Specially when I annoyed them.

" Mine, come with me in my condo! have dinner with me " i said sipping my coffee.

" No"

" Please shyshy come with me nah! I give him my best smile.

" Okay okay! Be thankful that I love you "

" Thanks mine and yeah I love you too."


" Mine, you don't have a plan to meet gulf? "

Shy ask me we are already inside my condo she's setting on the sofa I am lying I use her lap as my pillow.

" I don't think so, I am sure his happy now with his girlfriend."

" It's been two years now , maybe they break up already"

" I know but what if they still together? What if they are planing to get married after he graduet wha"

" Wow! Wow! How far can your imagination will go" she cut me off" well then let's find out if your imagination is true or false"

" How?" I ask confused

" Hmm I forget to tell you but, I will teach music to the university where gulf studying. And I'll be his music teacher" shy whining.

" Ohh really, have you ever ask me if I allowed you to teach that university?"

" I am not asking your permission I just let you know! And probably this is my chance to have a boyfriend"? She utterd.

" What boyfriend"?

" Yes boyfriend! Boy/ friend don't worry I won't snatch him from you lover boy I want to friends with him, I know he means to you dearly his your first of all the first especially se" she giggled at the same time mocking me.

I cut her by pleasing my hand into her mouth she so talkative.

" Suppasit!! " She said when I remove my hand from her.

" Mine let's sleep" I said

" Go first, I well sleep later"

" No we will sleep right now! no buts! "

I said and dragged her to my room. So many times we sleep together but I never felt something hard in my lower body parts unlike gulf! Just hearing his name I got hard already.

Maybe she have a plan I let her be.

" Good night mine sleep well." I whisper to her and kiss her forehead and I slowly close my eyes.


🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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