chapter 24

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Mews pov

The days passed turn into months still I cant talk to gulf yes I am sending him flowers almost everyday but I can't get out of my head the day that I saw him two years ago.

Flash back.:

I am so excited to see gulf and hug him maybe. papa give me his address in the Philippines I almost jump when the airplane landed on the Philippine airport.

I quickly took a taxi  and give him the address where gulf is living thank God he knows the address.  Two hours before we reach the place  I saw gulf outside the house where the taxi stop I was about to get out on the taxi when I saw a girl kissed gulf in the lips I know that girl is not Sam. I need to know what happened to gulf and Sam.

" Are you going out or not?" The taxi driver ask me

" Oh I'm sorry can you bring me in the nearest hotel in the airport" I said

Because of what I saw I'm feeling hurt gulf still want a girl i check in the hotel waiting for my flight back to Thailand  maybe this not our time I had a right love in the wrong time.


When I arrive in the Thailand I immediately called mild and ask him to meet me in the  mall.

" Hey what happened to gulf and Sam?" I asked mild we are here now at the mall.

" Ohh they break up already before gulf went to the Philippines" mild said

How  stupid am I.!   when he come to my condo to confess his feelings and give his self to me he already break up with Sam oh God! Are you  playing with us.

" Why you ask suddenly" said mild.

" Ahm nothing I just noticed that before he went to the Philippines I never saw him with Sam" I said

" Ah okay!"

Mild and I eat dinner and after that we bid goodbye.

  Flash back ends

" What's the matter hon?" My secretary ask me

" Oh your already here!"

" Of course I am! So care to share? What's bothering you?"

My secretary knows me well,  of course she's my bestfriend.

"  Mine! Why you are not the person I love?" I suddenly utterd

" Hmm because your heart already chosen gulf. not me, not San  either! Your heart only  want gulf " she said straight to my  face!

" But why loving him,  is causing me pain too much!"

" Because you keep thinking that day you saw him kissed by a girl. which is you already know that he is into a  girl!. just let it go mine and talk to him tonight at my resto bar I invited them" my Best friend said.

"You really have  answer to my question no?" I said " and wait!  when did you have a resto bar? As far as I remembered you never  told me about that" 

" Well I am working at your company for a long time now,  and my salary  is hella big!  of course I can save" she chuckled

" Oh I'm so idiot to not think about that haha "

" Yes you are idiot!  because until now gulf is already here still you are not confessing your love to him because of that kissed" 

" You can't blame! Me"

" Yes I can, you coward, dumbass, idiot bestfriend of mine"

" But you love this coward, dumbass, idiot, bestfriend of yours" I repeat what she said while wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

" What a self confidence you have suppasit!" She  is already annoyed 

" Okay! okay fine I will sing tonight and I will confess my love to gulf for the second time" I said

I never argue with her I can see her wide smile " it's settled then see you at my resto tonight anyway you have no meetings today so I'll go ahead now, love you" she said kissed my forehead.

" Wait! I think I need to hired a new secretary!  because my previous secretary is so busy middling my love life" I said

" Okay" she said and open my door office.

" Love you" I said but she already close the door.

After my bestfriend left I fix my things and went to my condo I need to prepare for tonight is now or never.



Autor pov

Shy in her car receive a text message.

{Sweety meet us in your resto bar  we're on the way}

Shy quickly went to her bar when she arrive she went inside where her visitors waiting for her.

" Hi Mr and Mrs traipipa and Mr and Mrs Joong" shysaid.

Yeah she's meeting with mew parents via messenger and  gulf parents face to face

" Sweety ! Did we tell you already that you can call as dad and mom" Mrs Joong said

" Yes mom!"

" Hows  progress between our son's " Mrs traipipa asked

" Still negative ma, but tonight I think mew will finally confees his love for gulf " shy said.

" Okay thats good news" Mr traipipa said.

" We are sorry honey for dragging you this! Matters of  our son's  if they know this  for sure they will mad at you." Mr Joong said

" It's okay dad! I want this too I want the boys have their happy ending beside each other together forever" she smile

Yes mew and gulf parents asked  shy to help them. Even though they said that they are not middling their sons love life again. But they can't help it they really want their sons end up together. And shy accept it  ofcourse she's mews bestfriend  and she also want mew to be happy and to be with person he love!!

To be continued.

🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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