chapter 6

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Gulfs pov

I woke up  then take a bath wear my uniform going out in my room ready for school mew was no longer in the house I didn't even see him in the university,!

When I come home still no sign of mew so I dicided to cook out dinner mama teach me how to cook. When I finished cooking I went up stairs and enter my room and rest for a while.

I heard mews room open I make sure that he already enter his room before I go out and went to the living room waiting for him to come down so we can eat together. It didn't take long for him to come down.

He was about to go to the kitchen when I stop him.
He is a little bit shock and panic  when he see me

I ask him to eat with me but he  refused it " I'm already eated"

Why do I feel like he seems angry and avoiding me, he's the one who entered my bathroom I am the one who supposed to be mad at him, but her I am being kind at him. This is not me what are you doing to me dumbass monkey.

" Babe, I am here with you but why I feel that there is something else in your mind"  Sam said. here we are at the campus park

I am thinking of mew forgetting that I am with my girlfriend.

" I'm sorry babe, I'll just miss my parents" I said " babe let's go back to our room we have still class"

" G, why did you not tell us that mew my love is know how to play drums" first said

our teacher in last subject is absent do we dicided to stay in the room for a while.

"How do you know his playing drums?" Mawin ask

" I saw him yesterday at the music club." And guess what! Mew is officially a member of BOYFRIEND'S BAND  my gosh they are all handsome"

" Ohh really speaking of , mew is kind and funny too" mawin said.

" Wait what? How can you tell that? " I asked

" Last Saturday we went to the mall. with Him he invited and treat us, we didn't tell you because we know you mad at him and for sure you won't let us to hangout with him, " mild said

" So when he tell me that he is going to the mall, you are with him?"

" Yes  we are!?" First again

I stood up and speak angrily.
They surprised my action.

" Nextime tell me your where abouts  with mew ot not."

And I turned around to them this the first time I act like that. No I am not jealous I am not!"

I was inside my car scratching my head argh!! what did you do to me mew since that night you entered my bathroom I can't take you out of my mind. There are times that I am imagining you entering my room Ang kissed hungrily. Siaaaa  I hate you mew I hate you   this not good, I will not let you fool me again  no way!! I hit the steering wheel you ugly monkey.

When I came home my parents is already in the house. I huridly ce to my mother and hug her I need her right now I know her hug can ease what I am feeling right now.

" Hey, sweety why so hug me  tight.! Is there something wrong?" She asked

" No mama I just miss you much you and papa" I said.

" I'm sorry son we didn't tell you that we are having a vacation it's an unplanned! " Papa said

" It's okay pa I  understand, And I think you need that vacation too"

" Anyway sweety, where is mew it's getting late but he's not here" mama ask

" I don't know ma, maybe his on practice. My friends tell me that mew join  the famous band in our university." I said. Still hugging her.

" I admire that boy so much instead of being handsome he is also good in cooking" papa said.

" Wait pa I am handsome also and I know how to cook" I protest.

" Yeah yeah what ever son" papa mocking me.

" I am going to sleep ma and pa" I said.

" Good night" mama said kissed my forehead.

This not pair for Sam she's my girlfriend but I have someone else  in my mind maybe I break up at her before I can hurt her more.

See you next chapter 😊

     🌞 Shekanawutsuppasit🌻

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