chapter 14

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Mews pov

It's been a month since gulf and I had sex. I am ashamed to his parents  why I didn't restrain my self?  why I let my self to be carried by lust and pleasure  that I feel that night? Well I can't blame my self gulf is looking hot and sexy that time. Until now  I still cant believe that gulf did that he can be like that he even tell me he love me.

I am busy recalling what happened that night when my phone rang it's San calling.

" Hey love! Open your door I am here I need to talk to you."

I open the door it's now or never I need to be honest with San and to my self as well.

San pinned me to the wall and kissed me hungrily. he stop kissing me when he feel that I never move my lips to kissed him back!

" Do we have a problem? Love! " He asked.

" We need to stop this San i tried to love you I really did but"

" Because of gulf right?  because you love him and no matter what I do I can't replace him in your heart "  lowering his head he cut me off.

I left up his head cupped his face  " I'm sorry"

" It's okay I am at fault too I choose to love you even though I already know that your Inlove with someone else."

I just looked at him feeling sorry for what I did.

" Im letting you go! Wishing your happiness with gulf "  

Before San came out to my door  he kissed my forehead. Maybe he really  loves me he was able to set me free just like that while me I am just hurting him because of my desire to forgetting gulf.

" Shame on you mew shame on you " I said to my self.



San's pov

  I finally said how I feel for mew and because of my perseverance latter on he accepted my love for him I was very happy that day!

I met mew because of Ja the first time I saw him   I feel Inlove with him I did everything just to be close to him and I wasn't disappointed we become close to each other

Because I am close to mew  I slowly noticed that he looked at gulf defferently.  I know gulf he's the best player when it comes to soccer and basketball no wonder his girlfriend is the hottest sexiest to all women students in the university.

The way mew stares to gulf I can sense that mew like gulf and I am right mew likes gulf I confirmed it when Ja told me. Even so I did not stop courting mew until he accept my love

The first month with mew we are happy I can feel that he cared for me he loves me but after that one night he started avoiding me if I kissed him he kissed me back but I can feel that somethings wrong then he even not letting me to hold his hands.

I know what happened that night because I was there.


Mew and I celebrating our third monthsary that day I send him in his condo after our date  I was about to enter my car when I saw gulf getting out in his car he  went to the elevator and I fallowed him secretly. I saw him outside mews condo.

Gulf  knock the door and latter on mew opened it and gulf get in mew close the door  I find my self standing infront of mew condo where I am standing I can hear mew and gulf groans moaning longing for each other.

I am hurting so bad this is the stupid things  I did  in my whole life hearing the man I love making love to the man he loves the most. When I am not hearing noices from inside I just decided to went home

I feel hurt and  betrayed but what should I do I love the person who's Inlove with someone else

(End of flashback)

One day I decided to talk to mew I need to clarify things I need to know who I am in his life him I love him so much and if he asked me to set him free I will fucking do it.

I am standing infront of his condo I called him to let him know that I am outside he open the door he let me in when the door already close I pinned him on the wall and kissed him hungrily but I stop when he is not kissing me back.

And here we are mew already breaking up with me I can't be angry with him I want too! but I can't,  even though I feel that he just used me. Even though he hurts me I am still happy because he let me to be part of his life even if just a short time.

I love mew so much. the love that I can set him free heartedly.

See you next chapter ☺️

🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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