chapter 10

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Gulf's pov

I got home early I cant contain my happiness when I saw mews car on our garage!  I guess I really Inlove with him.

" Ma,pa I'm home " I shouted when I don't see my parents in the living room.

" Sweety we're here in dinning  come here let's eat so that mew can go home already" I heard my mama voice

Ohh I feel disappointed I thought mew will sleep here. Because I want to see mew I didn't change my clothes.

" Son you can sleep here if you want" papa said.

" Papa is right phi. After all, our house is like your own house" I   added and  set beside my mother

I can see  a surprised  reaction in they're faces.

" Next time pa" mew said

I hissed.

We finished eating so mew bid goodbye to my parents.

" I'll go ahead ma and pa, ma thankyou for the dinner I am so pull"

" Your welcome son, and if you have time please visit us nah" mama said

" Yes ma, I will" mew said and he walked through the door.

I can feel that I want to talk to him more so I followed him outside.

" P' mew  wait"

" Yes gulf " he was about to enter his car.

" Am first is cheating on you I saw him and Ja kissing" I said without shuttering.

" Okay! And why you are telling this to me" he said  calming

" Ahm! You and first has a thing right?"

" Oh so you really think that first and I has a ralationship?"

" It is,  is not? He is like a leech a,  a round you" I said shuttering.

" Are you jealous?"

" Jealous why would i ? " I said sarcastically " I hate you remember!"

I can see mews face feeling disappointed.

" Yeah I know gulf.  now if there's nothing else you can see I'll go ahead now good night nong!"  Mew said and enter his car start the engine and left.

How I wish I can tell you that I miss you.

Go back inside the house and say goodnight to my parents.

" Good night ma and pa" I said kissed Mama's cheek

" Good sweety"


I'm in the university parking lot when I saw mew and another man getting out he's car I am still inside my car.

If I'm not mistaken that guy with him is San one of his bandmates.
Ofcourse I feel jealous again.
I guess the saying is true  you realized that the person is important to you when you see them with another.

Eating lunch with my friends at cafeteria I saw first coming to us.

" Why are you here?" I asked

" Ofcourse his my boyfriend so he will eat with me" first said

" Your what? " We said unison

" Dah! Before our senior high end he already my boyfriend"

" But we  thought mew is your boyfriend, you are together after our class" mild said

" Yes I am with him because mew is Ja friends" first said while feeding Ja

" Are you saying that you used mew so you can get closer to Ja" boat said

" Kinda!!" first said whining.

That ugly monkey I look like a fool I even get jealous because of his closeness to first! So if first is not his boyfriend maybe that San is.

" Hey bestie ate you okay? You ate murmurring something! Care to share?" Mild said.

" It's nothing! I'm okay" I said.

" Ohh I heard that you and Sam already broke up " mawin said

" Yes and it's the best for us" I utterd.


 .       ____________

Mews pov

It's already twelve in the midnight but I can't sleep  I keep on thinking gulfs behavior earlier.

He even told me about first and Ja. Is he jealous? or concern about me! but he said he hates me. Don't think to much and sleep I talked to my self

Morning and I was leaving in my condo when I receive a text  message from San he's car is on the repair shop. He ask if he can ride with me going to university.

I just pick him up in the repair shop. I don't have a heart to  declined someone who need my help.

" Thanks bro" he said

we are now here in the school parking lot and I saw gulfs car. I hope he not see me with San well why would I bather if he see  me or not I am no one for him.

" Your welcome bro" I said

Our morning class ended so here I am in the food court taking my lunch break when San approach me.

" Here" he said and give me milk tea and 3 pieces of cookies.

" You don't have too" I said

" Mew please take it  I owe you a free ride " he insisted

Don't want to argue with him so I just take it. It's been four  months now since he confess his love for me.

I never said my answer yet I am thinking If I'd give him a chance or not his good looking  and also a  good person but still gulf is hating me and here is San showing his care and love for me.

" Dude, I well go to a bar later with friends, you wanna join? Ja  approach me

" No thanks I am not in the mood for drinking."

" Are you sure! Anyway gulf is will be there!" Ja said whining.

" Not changing my mind."

" Okay if you say so I'll go ahead now see you when I see you " Ja left.

It's right  like this I will avoid gulf as long as I can. I can't promise to not do anything to him when his around me.

I'm done for todays chores and I also done with my homeworks. It's time to sleep. I was about to enter my room when I heard Noice outside my condo near at my door. I went there to cheek gulf's bump into me when I open the door.

I hold him and slowly guiding him inside I laid him gently on the sofa.  our face is close I can smell his breath I was about to get up  get a basin with warm water and faced towel to wipe him.

he was drunk ass! When suddenly he held my nape and pressed his lips to mine I was off guard my eyes wide. I was about to kissed him back but  suddenly he untouched his lips to me and later I can hear him snoring.

I carried him bridal style going inside my room I laid him to my bed  so he can sleep properly. I touch my lips although that kissed is not our first kiss but its  deferent because he's the one who initiate it. But ofcourse I can't diny  the fact  that's the effect of alcohol he drunk.

See you next chapter.

   🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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