chapter 31

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Gulf pov


" Nghh deeper babe harder ahh"

Mew and I making love in my room for an hour now  I am still feel sore because of last night  but he'll I care I want to give pleasure to my boyfriend.

" Uhhh, we did it last night but your still tight baby"

Mew keep pounding my ass hard and deep.

" Yes!! Yes! Babe hit me there!  don't stop ahhh" I scream when mews hit my sweet spot.

" Baby I'm gonna cum I'm gonna ahhh"

" I'm cumming too babe! We cum together".


I cum in mews chest while mew released his cum inside me.

" I love you babe " I said panting.

" Mew pulled out his dick and laid beside me." I love you too baby."


"Good morning son's"   mama greeted us we come out on my room I am already wearing my school uniform.

" Good morning too mom" I kissed her cheeks. Mew did too

" Baby I will send you in the university" mew said while eating breakfast that mama prepared for us.

" Babe I'm okay I can drive and your going to be late for your office" I said. Drinking my milk.

" Please let me drive for you na! This is my first time to drove you off as my boyfriend" he pleaded.

" Just let him sweety " mama said

" Okay fine"

After we finished eating we bid good bye to my parents.

" Love, I think mew is being gentle to our son his not limping" papa suddenly said smirking

Mama just laughed at him.

" Pa, don't tease my baby na!"

My boyfriend is so shameless calling me baby infront of my parents.

" Okay  I'll stop na! babe of my son" papa smile.

What can I say my parents is so annoying.


" Bye baby, take care love you"
We are now here at university parking lot.

" Thankyou for sending me here babe, drive safely love you too" I said and cuped mews face and kissed him passionately.

I get out on my boyfriends car heading straight to our room.

" Friend, any good news?" Mild ask me when I sat down beside him.

" Yes I well tell you later" I said

" Okay" mild said our proffisor is already inside our room.


" G,tell us na! " First utter

" Are you not saying sorry to me" I said.

" Ohh you already know! Mawin said.

" Yes, mew already explained to me"

" We are sorry na friend, we just want to see you and mew happily together" mild said hug me.

" It's okay I'll understand even if you played around me I still love you guise" I said smiling wide to them.

" So you and mew are together now?" First asked

" Yes we are  officially boyfriends now" I said whining.

" Ohh! Thank God. Any way is he big or not? Mild wiggling his eye brow

" What are you talking about" I said shyly.

" Don't tell me you didn't do it you know" first added.

" We did b"

" And?" Mild cut me off.

"And what? Don't ask me that thing I am not shameless as you "

" Ohh c'mon G what you did with mew,  we did it already a million times so is he big or not?"

First is no shameless at all.

" He is huge" I gulp on my own words.

" Ohooo I think you enjoyed it to well,  your absence yesterdays tell us" mawin braged

As expected my friends teased me.


Mews pov

After sending gulf to his School I drove straight to my office. I am so happy finally the boy that I love the most for a long time is already my boyfriend ofcourse with the help of my bestfriend.

I'll never expect she can do that and she even  helped  our parents. 
our parents is not so desperate for making gulf and I to be together.

" Can you make my coffee please" I said to tar.

Tar is my newly hired secretary I already hired him before gulf and I together.

" Here's your coffe sir" he said.

" Thankyou" I smile

" Ah sir there's is a woman  outside who wants to see you but I forbid her cause she has no appointment of seeing you."

" It's okay please let her in" I said. 

Tar walk away and open the door "you can get in now ma'am." I hear him

I saw my bestfriend beast mode face,  yes tar forbid my bestfriend to enter my office. I hug here to lighten up her mood

" Suppasit! I don't like him" she utterd. Sitting on the sofa

" Don't, say that mine he is good at his work.

She  get up and went to my desk get the coffee that tar make for me and trew it into the sink.

"  Don't drink the coffee he made for you just ask me and I will send it to you I can sense,  there is something wrong  about him I don't trust him, ofcourse you didn't noticed the way he looked at you but I did he was like to eat you alive "

" Shy shy your so paranoid relax okay! I won't replace gulf in any boys out there including that tar if that's what you think" I console here

" If there's anyone who tried to ruined you and gulf I will send them to hell mark my words suppasit" she treats

" Okay okay I heard you loud and cleared, any way thankyou for everything you did for me" I hug her. Again

" Your welcome I can die now cause finally you and gulf are  together"

" Not yet if you die now  you can't send anyone who tried to  gulf and I  break  us apart, in hell. " I joked.

" Anyway our parents already told us that they  ask help from you " I added.

" Yes I can't say no to them we are in the same intentions though " she smirked " anyway I have to go now and please be careful of that secretary of yours I repeat I don't trust him"

" Mine! Your so judgmental.

" Say  what ever you want  but still I don't like him" she said kissed my forehead open the door and left.

What a paranoid bestfriend I have.

To be continued

  🌞 ShekanawutSuppasit 🌻

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