chapter 5

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Gulf's pov

Damt it gulf what you did? You hug that ugly monkey! Why his in the kitchen anyway!  Arrgg

I go to shower room take a bath  wear my uniform after, and went down straight to the kitchen to get a fresh milk in the fridge. And I saw topper ware with the food inside I grab it and put into my bag, I have no time to eat.

Mild asked me to go in the food court to each out lunch,  I rejected it remembering that I have a  food in my bag.

Burppp I'm so full I admit mews cooking skill I superb.  He's very good at this.!

I come home late, because me and my team practicing basketball.

" Good thing your, here off the lights when you  finished here" mew said and he went  upstairs he wants to  sleep I guess,!

" Anyway your parents went  earlier on a  vacation with my parents, for a week,  I will go to the mall on Saturday,  do  you want to go with me? " 

Mew added he's stop in the middle of stairs.

" No thanks! " I said " w wait, "

" Hmmm"

"Thank you for the lunch" I said

" Don't mention it your welcome honey! Mew said smirking.

This fast tree days without my parents,  Al I do is eating went to school.


I was about  going out in the shower room when suddenly mew pinned me on the wall and kissed me forcefully. He kissed my lips down to my nick back to my lips.

I can feel that he's slowly pull my  boxer down.

" What are you doing mew?" I asked him angrily.

Instead of answering me he kneeld down and suck my dick
I can fell his hot mouth  eating on my shaft I just bit my lips

" Ahhh mew"   I moaned

It feel so good. When my dick in and out inside his mouth. I can also feel I'm about to come.

"P,  I'm coming ahh " can't help it

I splurt my cum on his mouth and he swallow it all. Then he kissed  my lips and I kissed him back. We are kissing passionately when I came back to my senses I pushed  and  punch  him  on the face

" Siaaaa!!  what have you done" asking him angrily.

" I'm sorry gulf I'm sorry, I can't help it I love you gulf I love you for a long time now" he said with hoarse voice  and huridly go out in my room.

" I hate  you mew!! I hate you mew suppasit!" I shouted.

Arggggg!! It's my fault I should stop him I supposed to stop him. But I let him to eat me. And and it feels so good, and I want more  I want to feel him inside me ohh no!! It can't be in can't..


Author pov.

Mew and gulfs parents  talking to thier son's.

" Do you think we are doing a right thing?, We left our  sons alone. Mama T Said

"It's only for a week mars, if there's no changes then we all let them and we well not interfere thier personal life." Mommy J Said.

" I would be sad if they didn't end up together, but I'd they weren't for each other we couldn't do about it" daddy J said

" No matter what happened to our son's  I'd they end up each other or not !? our  friendship will never change and it will stay the same. We've been together a lot " papa T said

" Ofcourse!!  We've been here for four days now.  Try to call gulf mars so we will find out what happened to them?" Mommy J said.

" No need mars , my son will call me if ever something bad happens" mama T answer


Mew's pov

I scratch my head so hard, I remember what I did to gulf in the bathroom.  What did you do, mew I'm sure gulf is more angrier me at me now why I did not restrain my self.

I woke up early I take a bath  immediately then going down stairs went to the kitchen to cook out breakfast. After done cooking I wear my uniform and left the house. I just bring my breakfast.
I don't want gulf to see me. I will avoid him as much as possible.
I'm here already inside our classroom and someone approach me.

" Hi can I set beside you" he said

" Yeah sure"

"Thanks my name is ja, your mew suppasit right"

I just nodded.

" Can you played an instrument? I'm a member of a band. Our drummer quit last week and we need a new drummer, " ja said.

"Yeah, I know how to play drums, can I join you?" I ask.

" Yes of course you can, after our class come with me,  on the music practice room I'll introduce you to other  band member" ja said "

Ja return to his seat out professor has arrive.
After our class me and Ja went to the music room.

" Mew this is Tum on keyboard  and san on guitar  they both second year in architecture.  Ang guise this is mew our new drummer" ja said.

" Ja, why you didn't tell us that you have a hot and handsome friend! Nice meeting you mew "  Son said winking at me.

I'm in a little bit awkward with what San said

I love music thats why even if this is my first practice with them  I learn the song quickly.

I come home late I slowly entered the house  good thing gulf is not home yet  I get inside my room I huridly change my clothes and went down to cook out dinner.

" Don't cook, I already did"

Gulf said. I am shock I thought his not yet home.

" Ah okay I just go back to my room" I said

" Don't you want to eat? Come join me let's eat dinner" I said

" You go ahead I eated already good night " I said

I am very happy, this is the first time that gulf talk to me nicely. But I still  i felt guilty.


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