chapter 35

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Gulf's pov

I already told my parents that I will live with mew and they don't against it they are so very happy I just bring my important things  I can use mews clothes anyway so today this is the the day  that we live together finally I can experience to take care of him wash his clothes prepare his food  fix his things  I'm so exited.

done arranging my things and I miss my boyfriend so I decided to visit him in the office I got a call from him exactly I arrive  at his building  so I park my car to answer his call ofcourse won't tell him that I am here in the parking lot I wanna surprised him.

After he hang up the phone I get out on my car and went directly to his office I never found his secretary on his table I remember before he hang up the phone mew said that tar is inside his office. My heart beating fast so I quickly hold the door knob. and its  not lock. My feet loses strength because of what I saw.

I saw tar kissing mew then mew saw me I manage my self to walk away mew fallowed me.

" Baby let me explain"

" Don't touch me!" I said and get in my car start the engine and drove to shy resto bar I need someone right now, I need her.


" What happened G" she ask

" Thank God phi, your here! I think you are right! tar like mew I saw them  " I said and hug her.

" You saw what?, Tell me everything don't cry I don't like seeing you crying I am the only one to have a right to make you cry hehe  " she console me.

" I visit mew in his office today, phi to surprised him but I am the one who got surprised, I saw my boyfriend and tar kissing"

" That bitch!! I knew it, did mew explain to you of course there's a explaination of what you saw?"

" He tried but I forbid him."

" And what is your plan are you  running away again?  and let that bitch steal your boyfriend?" Shy ask

" No, ofcourse not! , I will deliver him to hell before he can do that I won't let him steal my boyfriend mew is mine mine alone"

" That's my boy! Fight for your love claimed what's yours let's drink to that" shy get an alcohol from her bar.

We are drinking when her phone rang I know mew was the one who called. And I am right.

" Yes mine? Zup?" Shy said she hit the loudspeaker phone

" Mine, is gulf with you? Let me talk to him please just tell your employees to let me in na I need to talk to him " mew pleading.

" Yes gulf is with me just give him time suppasit,  what he saw is not easy as you think. okay give him time to think don't worry he has no plan of breaking up with you." Phi explain

" But phi" mew insist.

" No buts mine, this time listen to me okay I know I fool you and gulf but please trust me this time  can you do that?"

" Okay okay, please take good care of my boyfriend and please tell him that I love him so very much okay " mew said

" Noted mine don't worry I will take care of him " shy said and hang up the phone.

And I am crying listening they're conversation.

" Stop crying na everything will be okay" shy hug me tight

" Thank you phi what would I do without you my friends is not here they still in there graduation vacation"

" No need to thank me I am just making up those times that I fooled you and mew . good thing our  friends is not here because for sure right now tar will no longer breathing" she joked.

I sleep on shy condo and I will claim what's mine tomorrow with phi' shy ofcourse.


I ask phi to call mew if where he is right now?

" Mine where are you?" Shy asks

" Office mine why?"

" Nothing just asking, are you sure that you are in the office?"

" Ofcourse, I will send you picture if you want"

" No need, k bye! " Shy cut the call.

" He's in the office are you ready? G."

"  I am Born to be ready"

" Show me what you've got baby boy" she wink at me

Using shy car we drove to mews office she park the in the parking lot I waited her so we come together in mews office. We are already outside in the office there's no sign of tar so we enter the office good thing the door not lock. We saw mew tar and other person talking.

"Ops! The door is not lock so we enter hi babe"

Shy sit on the sofa while me come closer to mew and pick his lips  he look surprised by my actions.

" Baby your here,!" He said " and shy is with you"

" Yes I am visiting my boyfriend, sir's and ma'am   do you mind if we are  staying here, you can continue talking though." I said and sat on mews lap.

" No sir not at all" said the other guy I can see tar face annoying.

What he expect I will break up mew because of what he did. Never!

" I think lets continue this some other time" mew said.

" You are  right sir your boyfriend and bestfriend  are here you could spend your time with them." The lady said. " Anyway sir your boyfriend is cute and handsome your so Lucky"

" I know right I am so very lucky." Mew said

The boy and the girl walking out the door including tar but   P'shy stop  him.

" Na ah! Not so fast Mr secretary my baby boy here want to talk to you.

To be continued


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