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HEY. It's me, princess10012345. This is my first werewolf book! I hope you like it. Check out my other books if you like romance/mafia stuff. Please vote, comment, share, add to reading lists etc and support, it means so much and it is so easy to do! Happy reading :)

King Nicholas Anderson

It has been three days since my baby sister, her lady in waiting and my best friend have gone missing. For the last 72 hours all I have felt is a raging fire deep within me. All I want to do is find whoever took them from me and rip them apart limb by limb. My animal instincts are pushing me to shift into my wolf and go on a rampage, not stopping until my baby sister is back in my arms, my best friend is by my side as my beta, and my sister's lady in waiting is back with her own family.

I am the Alpha King, and Goddess have mercy on whoever has crossed me.

The Royal warriors are on the lookout, scouring the nearby forest, trying to find any indication of their scents, along with the Royal trackers and hunters, but there is nothing, absolutely no trace of her scent, any of their scents. It is almost as though they have disappeared into nothing, but they must have been using some kind of scent eraser, which has been against the law for almost a century. This makes me even angrier.

There is a beast inside me, who is finding it extremely difficult to be the eyes and ears behind the operation to find them. I have to stay behind and do my duties, I have to put up a solid front for the rest of the Kingdom, I have to comfort my sobbing mother and my worried father. There are so many things I have to do, but all I really want to do is to have them back.

My mind cannot stop wondering to my sister, Madison; she is only 8 years old. She doesn't know the cruel world yet, for this exact reason. She is the sweetest little girl, she couldn't hurt a damned fly. Jessica, the lady in waiting has been working for my family since Madison was born, and we have slowly become friends. She has often been there for me, and for my family, when things have got tough before, and for that I am grateful.

Then there is Logan, the royal beta and my best friend. Our mothers were pregnant at similar times, I am only three months older than him, and we have been loyal friends to eachother for the entire twenty-eight years we have been alive. He is a ruthless man, yielding a great amount of strength and honour. His skill is unmatched, except by me, and he has helped me to many a victory.

So how on this great green earth has he just disappeared?


It had now been five days since they have gone missing. We are now dealing with the possibility they have been kidnapped. I have no idea what reason they would be kidnapped, there has been no ransom demand, no requests for anything, no letter or photo from the kidnapper, absolutely nothing.

My mother won't stop crying, and my father has to constantly be holding her in some way, as the touch between mates is very soothing, and can calm one's emotions. Every wolf in my Kingdom, every alpha of every pack that I rule over, can feel the pain, heartbreak, and anger of the Royal Family, all five million of them. The Royal Pack can feel our pain amplified, and since then, my humble pack of two hundred thousand has gone into a state of mourning.

My younger brothers, Noah and Christopher, have also joined in on the search. Christopher, who is 20, is a skilled warrior and tracker, whilst Noah is skilled in weaponry. My pack is readying for war, waiting for my signal to attack. The only question is, who exactly are we attacking?

After a long day that racked up nothing, my animal instincts were uncontrollable; I shifted in the middle of my office, and rampaged through the woods, where their scents last were. The Night Warriors left me be, understanding that I needed this.

I found nothing, and I was slowly growing more insane at that fact.


There are still barely any breakthroughs, although there are different theories I am presented with. One theory is the rogue alpha, Leopold, or his son Damien, has taken them, but we stormed his camps and they were nowhere to be found. Also, if Leopold had taken them, he would have mentioned something by now; Leopold is a very proud and arrogant man, and if he ever bested the royal family, you better believe he would broadcast that to the world.

Another theory is hunters have come back and are trying to bring about the downfall of the werewolf community by attacking the Royal pack first, but there is nothing to back that theory up. Vampires could have done it, but even though we are genetically sworn enemies, I actually have a very civil relationship with the Vampire King, who told me that he would help in the search for them, if needed.

The third theory is the Dimitri twins. There isn't much known about them, in fact there is barely anything known about them. They are the children of the late serial killers Ottavio and Martina Dimitri. One is a boy, one is a girl, and their wolves are black, with one white ear, and their eyes are different colours. That is everything that is known. When there are no true facts about something, of course people have to guess, but they must be evil, with parents like that, and they are the only other option for who stole my family. 

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