Chapter 27

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King Nicholas Anderson

My mate was adorable. She was kind-hearted and sweet, even though she gave off this tough, rouge exterior, who you shouldn't mess with. She loved to tease me, and I loved to tease her too, seeing her cute little brow furrow. I was really enjoying getting to know her.

I fell for her more and more each day, and today I fell a whole load more as she opened up more to me. I wanted to talk to her like this for days, weeks even, forever if I could. You can imagine my sheer anger and annoyance when we were disturbed by a bunch of creatures. I think they were werewolves, but they were much too far gone. They were more wolf than men, but not in the same way as Shane, who just resonates more with his wolf nature than his human nature. No, these were much different. They were complete wolves, there was nothing human left in them, they dealt purely in instinct.

Their fur was matted, and their mouths were foaming as they surrounded us. They would be no match for us. Wolves like this also had no fighting technique, no match for Royally trained warriors.

"Enough," I heard Arabella shout. The wolves instantly whimpered and lay on the ground. One even rolling over and letting its tongue fall out of its mouth, wagging its tail as Arabella went over to rub its stomach, dodging my hand as I tried to hold her back. "These guys are completely harmless, they're just after a bit of food," she explained, pulling out some of last night's deer from her bag and handing it to them.

"Rachel," Arabella called out. When she said that, a woman came out from the trees, practically running. She leaped up and went to launch herself on Arabella, but before she could I had placed myself in between the two of them.

"Get out of the way you weirdo," Rachel tried to step around me.

"It's fine Nick," Arabella placed a hand on my shoulder. She called me Nick, she gave me a nickname. I was in a bit of a daze as I thought about that, enough for Rachel to slip behind me and hug Arabella.

"What the fuck has happened? Tell me everything bitch, why do you smell all royal and fancy, the guys didn't recognise you. Why are you with Night Warriors? They shouldn't be here you know, there'll be a bounty on their heads," explained this Rachel lady. Rachel was pretty short, shorter than Arabella. She had on just scraps of fur to keep her decent, and her hair was a wild mess. She had no shoes on, and was scratched and scraped all over. Rachel looked over at the rest of our group, locking eyes with Shane.

"Mine," I heard Shane say, rushing over and pulling Rachel into his embrace.

"Mine," Rachel said back, biting into Shane's neck, staking her claim, as Shane did the same. These two seemed perfect for eachother, both seeming to be way more wolf than human, living based completely on wolf instinct.

"That's marking," I whispered to Arabella, teasing her. She just elbowed me in the stomach.

"Come," Rachel said, leading the way, with Shane beside her, and the pack of wolves following at her feet, trotting along rather happily. Arabella went to follow, I followed Arabella, and the rest of the group, completely out of the loop, followed along.

We made our way to some kind of cave and went inside. We sat around a fire pit, and Arabella used her powers to light the logs on fire. After my mate explained the reason we were here, who we were after, and everything that had happened up to this moment, including being my mate, Rachel just looked at us all, individually, eyebrows raised, and took in a deep breath. "You really want to go for Sylvaria Sharpe?" asked Rachel. "You have heard the stories, right?"

"She's harmless to me," Arabella shrugged her shoulders.

"Okay well, I'll be back, Shane?" she looked over at Shane. They both shifted and left the cave, obviously going to complete their mating process.

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