Chapter 3

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Arabella Dimitri

"Tell me again why you have decided to save a princess," Jason asked, whilst we were packing up the necessities into a couple of small rucksacks.

"I don't want to live in a cave the rest of my life, I want to explore the world, I want to buy a house and get a turtle and call it Gerome, I want to visit Italy and all the places mum talked about, and to do that we need to not be hated by the king, and to not be hated by the king we need to prove our innocence and to prove our innocence we need to deliver Princess Madison and the Lady in Waiting back to the royal pack."

"Okay, but really, tell me again why you decided to do this."

"Fuck off Jason," I grumbled.

We set off the next day at lunchtime. It was the three of us, Damien, Jason and I. The Blue Crescent pack was a two-day drive, shorter if we ran as werewolves, because Jason and I had incredible speed, but the risks of being caught were much higher. I mean, everyone knows that if you see two midnight black wolves, both with a single white ear, one blue eye and one green eye, then you have found the Dimitri twins, and then it would only be a matter of time before the royal pack found us. Our eyes in person are a dead giveaway too, one blue, one green, and we both have midnight black hair, but we put in a single coloured contact to make them look the same, and we wear hats, and we stick to the motorways because they're unclaimed.

We have a bad reputation, and that begins with our parents. Our parents were notorious murderers, killing all manner of people, rogues, pack members, omegas, deltas, gammas, betas, the odd alpha and luna. There was a bounty on their heads somewhere in the millions. Eventually they settled in a cave, our mother got pregnant, and she gave birth to us. Word got around that the Dimitri couple had twins, and rumours spread like wildfire saying that they were teaching their children to be murderers just like them, that at the age of two we could shoot silver bullets into the heads of straying werewolves. Even the vampires and witches were terrified of us. It only got worse when news of our powers got around, apparently, we were destined to take over the throne, cursed by witches, God knows. Parents of witches, werewolves and vampires would use our names to keep their children in check. They would say 'don't leave the border or the Dimitris will get you'.

Our parents were murdered when we were 8, and we moved, with the help and protection of Leopold, the rogue alpha, who took us under his wing slightly. That is how we met Damien.

We are nothing like our parents, the only people we kill are people who tried to kill us first, and that is only after we have tried to talk to them. Granted, I have still killed a lot of people, but only when necessary. Everything gets blamed on us, or the rogues, or the vampires. If someone ends up dead it is either the Dimitri twins, the vamps or the rogues who killed them, even if it is the other side of the country. It is ridiculous, but we deal with it.

"How was your chat with Seth?" asked Damien, after Jason had got out of the car to refuel it.

"It was fine," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Are you getting back together?" he asked, turning his head to look at me from the passenger seat, whilst I was sat in the middle of the back seats.

"No," I stated.

"Belly," I rolled my eyes at his stupid nickname for me, "I-"

"You guys want anything from inside?" asked Jason, opening the car door, cutting Damien off.

"Just a bottle of water please," I asked.

"Get some car snacks," suggested Damien. Jason nodded his head, shut the car door, then walked into the petrol station.

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