Chapter 26

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Arabella Dimitri

Sylvaria Sharpe was a witch, a powerful one at that. Before my mother met my father, she was part of a gang of girls. They had one witch, one vampire and one werewolf. There were ruthless, horror stories were written about them and the way they would butcher and kill their enemies. Three of the most powerful people on Earth. Sylvaria Sharpe was the witch in that group. She loved dark magic, sacrificing different creatures, beings and even humans, all for power and dominance. There was once a time when it was generally felt that the three of them would dominate over all of the land, and everyone would answer to them.

The vampire then had a change of heart, she betrayed my mother and Sylvaria and told the nearby werewolf pack where they were. Martina, my mother, ripped every single werewolf's head off, whilst Sylvaria used each death to increase her power. When there was nothing left, they tortured and killed the vampire. It continued as just the two of them until my mother met my father, a notorious assassin, hired by the Kingdom to assassinate my mother. He couldn't assassinate his mate though, and so he turned on the kingdom and the other werewolves, and continued the killing spree with the two of them.

When my parents died, Sylvaria would often stay with us in our cave, or bring us to her different houses, promising to protect us, like she knew our mother would have protected her kids, if she had any. She helped us harness our magic, and she would always give us chocolate. After a while, we stopped seeing her.

I remember the route to hers though, and it seemed like she still lived in the same place. It was about a seven-day trip, it could be shortened if you were in a rush though, which we were.

After everyone woke up and we all got ready, we headed off again. I led the way, as I was the only one who knew the route, much to Nicholas' annoyance. I understand that I was his mate and he wanted to protect me, but I knew this route like the back of my hand, and if it was them on their own, I highly doubted they'd make their way there and back in one piece. In these circumstances, we were in my territory, it didn't work the same way as it worked in the Land of Werewolves, and I would be the one having to protect him.

The first day of travelling we were still within the realms of the Land of Werewolves, which had a large spread over the country. We had passed hundreds of different werewolf packs, with some of the border patrol wolves running with us as we passed them. I could often feel their pride as we ran with them too, I guess it isn't every day you run with your King and Queen, as well as some Night Warriors, and the royal Delta and Gamma.

As night drew in, and the weather picked up, we decided that we would stop for the night. We were close to the border now, where the Land of Werewolves met The Unknown. Between different packs and the Kingdom was no man's land, where rogues and other creatures could live in unclaimed territory. The Unknown was something completely different. It was no man's land, yet it was someone's land. Everyone was territorial over even the smallest bit of land. The worst of the worst lived here, and there were no rules. I lived here for many years with my parents, and many years after that, until we moved into the Land of the Werewolves, based on Damien's recommendation, and Jason not wanting to have to fight multiple people every day.

"Of course she'd be in the fucking Unknown," growled Nicholas, slamming his bag onto the ground. I just rolled my eyes at his childish behaviour.

"I've never been in The Unknown before," Chase broke the tense silence, putting together some firewood to start a fire.

"It's not a nice place," Frederick said, pitching a tent.

"No, and if you lot want to survive, you'll have to listen to me," I stated.

"You think you know this place? You don't know this place," Brogan grumbled.

"You know this place?" I asked him, feeling offended that he would talk down to me in such a way, and I could feel that Nicholas felt the same.

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