Chapter 35

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Logan Gallagher

After I had dealt with my mate, which consisted of carrying him back to my house, tiring him out and then chaining him to my bed, appointing five Night Warriors to ensure he doesn't escape, I met up with William in the cells.

We greeted eachother, and then headed in together. The sight was one I was fairly used to; the Alpha King covered in the blood of his enemy, but the sheer way he had mauled Walter, and the amount of blood that had splattered pretty much everywhere, was one I hadn't yet seen. It was terrifying, and the look in Nicholas' eyes was even scarier.

"Son," William said, walking over to the cell.

"Dad, I need to be with her, I need to heal her, let me out of this fucking cell," Nicholas' voice transitioned from begging and sheer need, to anger.

"She's very delicate at the moment. We want to let you see her, but we don't want you to hurt her anymore than she is," William explained.

"I would never fucking hurt her, I love her," he growled.

"We can't have you going on a rampage," William tried to emphasise his point, "you might not mean to hurt her, but you might hurt someone trying to save her, and that might do more harm than good."

"I swear, I will do anything you want to get out of this cell and be with her," he was back to begging again.

"You will go with Logan, get cleaned up, get changed, and we will go together to Arabella. You will not kill, harm or injure a single soul whilst you are out. You will not speak to anyone else. Okay?" William stated. I could tell Nick didn't like someone thinking they had authority over him, but this was the only way he would be allowed out to see his mate, so he reluctantly agreed.

I walked him to one of the bathrooms nearby, and handed him a change of clothes. Fifteen minutes later he was out, his hair still dripping wet, but he was clean. He did as William had said; only looking straight ahead as we walked towards the hospital, where we were meeting his father, he didn't say anything to anyone else. Even in the hospital, when I could tell he was itching to grab one of the doctors and force them to tell him what was wrong with Arabella, he kept true to his word. "She's in here," was all that William said, opening the door for Nick.

We watched as he walked into the room, taking everything in, scanning the area. His steps faltered for a minute or two as he took in her weakened state, and all of the different wires and tubes attached to her. Then, he slowly got up onto the bed, got himself under the covers, and pulled Arabella into his embrace, brushing his hands over her face and through her hair. William and I decided to leave the two at peace, shutting the door quietly behind us. "Only females are allowed to go in and check her. We are already walking on eggshells around the Alpha King, please don't set him off. He is completely possessive and not in his right mind," William informed the team of doctors who were taking care of her.

Four days had passed. Nicholas barely left the room, only sometimes to eat, when we forced him to, or to use the bathroom. He slept by her side, and traced her facial features, and that's all he really did.

By the fifth day, Nick was out of her room, his throat around one of the male doctors, screaming, asking why his mate wasn't waking up, when she would wake up, what was wrong with her etc. We had to sedate him after that episode. He woke up lying by Arabella's side, but this time he was chained to the bed. He didn't seem to mind it though, and he went straight back to tracing her facial features with one of his fingers, completely content with where he was.

Eight days after that, he was unchained. He had called for his desk to be moved into the room, as well as some other things like a sofa and a television, and he had also made the room ensuite, attaching one of the bathrooms to it. We brought him food when he requested it, but other than that we didn't disturb him, and left him to his work, and to Arabella.

It had now been a month since the incident. He is planning the coronation and wedding like they are still going to happen, but none of us have too much hope.

On the night of the Beaver Moon, which was the full moon in November, it was a solemn affair. What usually is supposed to be a large party became simply a family affair, with many people visiting the hospital and putting out flowers and candles and cards for their Queen. As I entered the hospital wing where Arabella was being kept, I noticed Nicholas, who was currently looking out one of the windows at the crowds of his pack. I went over and stood by his side, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "She can't die, I- I don't know what I'd do, she can't die," Nicholas was completely broken. His voice cracked as tears ran down his face. I didn't know how to comfort him, I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to say she would be fine, because I didn't know if she would be.

"I miss her too," I hugged him as he cried into my shoulder.

"Nick?" and there she was, like some kind of miracle. She stood by the door, in just her hospital gown, barefoot, shivering slightly from the cold of the open window, her hair softly blowing in the wind. There stood the Queen of Werewolves, my Queen, who wouldn't let a little stab wound hold her back.

"Arabella," Nicholas breathed out, standing there shocked, frozen in his spot. A little nudge from me brought him back to reality, and he quickly made his way over to her, wrapping her up in his embrace, carrying her back into the room where she had come from, still crying, but crying from relief now, not sadness.

King Nicholas Anderson

She was awake. She was fucking awake. I knew the hundreds of times I had prayed to the moon goddess would pay off. I placed her gently back in the bed and called in one of the nurses to double check that she was fine.

After we were given the all clear, and she was discharged, I quickly helped her get changed into some warm clothes, as the whole Kingdom had frosted over during the time she had been sleeping. Without letting her leave my arms for a second, I picked her up so that her legs were wrapped around my waist, and her face was tucked in my neck, and we walked out of the hospital into an awaiting car.

There were cheers from the pack as they saw her, some fell to their knees and cried, everyone bowed in submission and declared their unwavering loyalty to her, not just for her role in the recent war, helping us to win, but also for being so physically strong to survive such a brutal and unfair attack. "Baby, what day is it?" she whispered in my ear. Goddess, I had missed that voice.

"November 26th, it's the Beaver Moon tonight," I responded. "Look," I gestured to the full moon, and she looked up at is, as we basked in its moonlight, letting it soak into our skin.

"It's beautiful," she said, before locking eyes with me. She gave me a quick kiss, and I melted then and there. This woman had me completely wrapped around her finger, but that was the only place I ever wanted to be anyway.

We headed back to the castle, with an entourage of guards. I carried her back up to my room, and after stationing a load of guards around the place, we settled down in the bed together. When she asked, I told her the entire story that Logan told me, and afterwards she was pretty dumbfounded. She told me about what happened on the exact night, hearing it from her mouth just made my blood boil even more.

"I've missed you so much," I mumbled into her ear as we endlessly cuddled on our giant bed.

"I love you Nick," she mumbled back to me, clearly half asleep, shortly on her way to being completely asleep. I just lay there, with her in my arms, which had become a common thing recently, listening to her breathing, tracing the features on her face, and thanking the goddess that she gave me such an amazing mate.

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