Chapter 4

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Arabella Dimitri

After another day of driving, arguing, shit music choices from Damien, less shit music choices from Jason, the best music choices from me, a lot of car snacks and teasing eachother endlessly, we finally made it to a motel that was just a couple miles out from the border of the Blue Crescent pack.

"Do you think they'll actually be there?" asked Damien, launching himself over the back of the sofa to sit on it next to me, where I was looking at the maps of the territory that were laid out on the coffee table.

"If they aren't there I just wasted a whole load of time," I grumbled.

"We just wasted a whole load of time," he whispered in my ear, giving it a slight nibble. I have to admit, I was incredibly turned on, but I shoved him away anyway, as Jason was only in the bathroom next door.

"I'd be surprised if they weren't there," said Jason, walking out of the bathroom with shaving foam around his beard, half the beard shaved off, and a razor in his hand. "It's not the rogues, it's not the vampires, I doubt it's the witches because they have better things to do, and the only pack annoyed with the royal pack is this one."

"It makes sense," I nodded my head.

"Why the fuck are you shaving your face?" asked Damien, changing the topic of conversation.

"Hey, some of us take pride in our appearance. I am 6000 years old you know, I do have to try these days."

"Imagine if you two actually were 6000 years old. God, that would be awful."

"Pretty funny though," joked Jason.

"Dimitri, how many girls in the blue crescent pack have you had sex with?" I asked him.

"Probably about 6, why?" he answered. Yeah, Damien was a serious man-slag too. There seemed to be something about pack-girls liking to sneak off out their borders to have raunchy rouge-sex in the middle of a forest. Damien always referred to it as 'supply and demand'. He seems to have settled down a bit now. A couple of times he got into a few altercations when the she-wolf he had just shagged found her mate, and it often got a bit messy. Let's just say werewolves are possessive creatures...

"I feel so bad for your mate," muttered Jason.

"Hey, it's all practice for my mate, so that she can feel the best she can feel," Damien argued, "and your sister," he teased. I smacked him round the head for that comment, and Jason looked at him with a look that could kill.

"Yeah, it stops becoming 'practice' when you pass three hundred," Jason rolled his eyes.

"Oi, it was like one hundred fifty, at most. Only one of them really mattered though," he said cryptically, looking over at me. Luckily, for his sake and mine, Jason didn't pick up on the fact he was referring to me.

"Guys, let's stick to the task at hand, please," I snapped at the two of them.

"So, tell me the fucking plan," Damien demanded.

"Watch it," I warned.

The plan was simple yet insanely complicated. Of course, I came up with the entire plan on my own, because as I said before, the two idiots with me have about five braincells between them. However, they are the muscles behind this operation, and I needed the backup.

Firstly, Damien got in contact with a couple of the girls he had been with separately. He said that he wanted to have sex in a 'real bed' this time, and asked if they could sneak him in. They all messaged with different ways of sneaking in, and we chose the best. The best was from the daughter of the new gamma, to replace the executed one, and she told us about some tunnels that ran underneath the land. The tunnels were heavily guarded though, but they went straight to the packhouse.

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