Chapter 20

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Arabella Dimitri

The ball was quickly approaching, and the castle was buzzing with activity. Of course, I know that each full moon is always celebrated, in every werewolf pack all over the world, but I never realised the extent that some people go to. Usually Jason and I just shift into our wolf forms, go for a hunt during the day, howl at the moon at night, and finish the day off with some beers around the fire, or no fire if it is in the middle of the scorching summer.

The Kingdom itself was buzzing too. This was one of the most important full moons, because it was the first full moon of the year. The Wolf Moon is named that was because the Hungry Wolf packs howl at night, and so incorporated into the festival is a hunt during the day, led by the Alpha King, a whole load of food, and a lot of howling.

Somehow I ended up in the castle's kitchens. I tried to help where I could, but I felt like more of a hinderance. The kitchen staff were too kind to kick me out, and of course given my ranking they would never dare, so I had a lot of fun cooking various different meals and getting my hands dirty.

"You are a mess," chuckled Nicholas, walking into the kitchen. He was wearing a casual suit, with a pin of the royal crest on his lapel. The whole kitchen stopped and bowed to him, but he waved them off, and they carried on. "Here, let me," he said, taking out his pocket square and trying to rub some of the flour off my face. When I tried to pull away because he was being annoying, he grabbed my head to hold me still.

"I feel like I am being cleaned up by my mother," I grumbled.

"Looking after you feels like I am looking after a child."

"Shut up," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"See what I mean," he rolled his eyes. "Now, what have you been making?"

So, I showed him. Just as he walked in, we were making dough for the various breads that would be served tomorrow, which would prove overnight before being cooked first thing in the morning, to keep them fresh. Nicholas rolled up his sleeves and began kneading one of the balls of dough, copying myself, who was copying the head chef.

Occasionally various people in the kitchen would look over at us and smile, then continue with their tasks. It was sweet. I guess we looked like proper mates, with all the flirtatious teasing. Although, I doubt we looked like a proper King and Queen, completely covered in flour and just giggling to ourselves.

As we were leaving the kitchen, one of the head housekeepers grabbed both of my hands with hers, pulled me in close and said to me, "this is the happiest I have ever seen him, thank you for bringing his true self out." She smiled brightly at me, kissing both of my hands and letting me go. I felt a bit awestruck, and I didn't know what to say. I just smiled back and continued on my way.

Thinking about it now, I'm not surprised I make his day, I am an incredibly wonderful person and to have me in your life is pretty cool. I am also hilarious. I was glad I could bring his true self out, although I wasn't really trying to. I did feel bad that I would have made such an impact and then just left his life, but, like I said, I make an impact on everyone's life, however I cannot spread myself so thinly between everyone on this earth.


On the day of the ball I was kind of excited. Emphasis on the 'kind of'. Last time I went to a ball, which also happened to be the first ball I had ever been to, it kind of changed my life, drastically. You all know what happened, I met my mate, I ran away, he dragged me kicking and screaming to the Kingdom, yada yada yada. Okay, he carried my hungover, unconscious self back to the Kingdom, with my consent. But still, I felt like playing the pity card.

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