Chapter 10

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Arabella Dimitri

Today was the day of the ball. I didn't know if I wanted to go yet, but I was in a hotel that was near where the ball was being held, I had the dress that Damien had bought me, as well as everything else I needed. Part of me thought that because I had come this far, I just had to go. The other part of me just thought it would be pointless. If I never met my mate, I wouldn't have to worry about the pain of not being with my mate if they decided to not go rogue with me, however, if my mate was already a rogue, or a normal pack member, there was a high chance they would come back with me. I guess there wouldn't be that many Alphas there, and alphas were really the only ones that pretty much couldn't be swayed at all to go rogue. What's the chance of me actually getting mated to an Alpha, really?

I stood in my dress. It was bright red, like fire, with a low neckline that showed my cleavage. It had quite thin straps, and the bodice was tight, hugging my chest and waist, whilst it flowed out from there. There was a rather high slit going up one leg as well. "Damien really wanted all the unmated males to try and fuck me tonight," I rolled my eyes. I paired it with some golden heels, a cute necklace and earrings. I curled my midnight black hair, that fell down my back, and I put on some soft makeup. I debated whether or not to put in a coloured contact so that my eyes would be the same colour, but I decided against it. I wanted to be proud of my eyes now that I didn't have to hide anymore, now that people actually 'liked' me.

I stood in front of the mirror, scanning over my appearance. Even now that I was fully dressed and ready, I didn't actually have to go to the ball. I could just snap a quick picture, get out of my dress, take off my makeup, have a shower and sleep in the warm hotel bed, ordering room service and watching a film on the TV in front of the bed. I really didn't have to go. I know I didn't have to go. I kind of wanted to go though.

Just go. I heard my wolf say. She made up my mind. I stepped out of the hotel room, putting the key card in my clutch, along with my phone, and I walked down to the lobby. Evidently there were a couple of rogues that were staying in this hotel, because I saw a few women in ball gowns and a few men in suits walking around.

"Hi, are you going to the ball?" a female voice asked me. I turned to look at a beautiful woman, with strawberry blonde hair, pale skin, green eyes, in an emerald dress, that complimented her eyes and complexion amazingly.

"You're pretty," I said, probably sounding really dumb right now. "Yeah, I'm going to the ball," I answered her question.

"Thank you," she blushed, "do you want to share a taxi? Then we can split the fare," she suggested.

"Well, I will pay the full price, but yeah, you can get in with me," I smiled at her.

"Your eyes..." she took a step closer to me, looking into each of my eyes. "Y-y-you're Arabella Dimitri?" I nodded my head. God. If this woman ran from me screaming, I would probably run up to my room, and not go to this damned ball. The fate of tonight rests on this cute little ginger's head.

"You're even prettier than I imagined," she said, I was taken aback, what now who says what? "My name is Emily, you can call me Em if you want."

"Hi Em," I shook her outstretched hand.

"Is it true you're 6000 years old?" she asked, examining my face.

"That is certainly not true, I am actually 23," I chuckled at her question.

Em was sweet. She asked me a lot more questions in the car, on the way to the ball. She asked if it was true that I once found four children playing in the woods one day and I ate them for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert one day. I told her I have never eaten a single human, werewolf, vampire, hybrid, witch, ever in my life. I think that answered a lot of her burning questions. She asked me if it was true that on my birthday the moon goddess comes down onto the earth and hands me a birthday cake. I told her I wished that happened, but that I have never met the moon goddess, and I hadn't had cake on my birthday since I was eight.

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