Chapter 9

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Arabella Dimitri

It had been a couple of days since we had dropped them off. I went back to my cavern home, Damien went back to see his dad, and Jason hung around, not wanting to leave his mate behind. See, that is why mates are so damned annoying. I don't know if I would reject my mate straight away, because what if they're not that bad, but I really hope they aren't an alpha or something so that they can at least go rogue with me.

On the fourth day since we dropped the princess and the Lady, as well as Pearce and Haley, back home, I went hunting. Quite often I liked to hunt in my wolf form, it was in my animal instincts to do so, and for some reason I felt more at one with nature.

Whenever I thought about mates, my animal instincts always pushed me to go out and find my own one. I think the main issue with finding a mate it having to belong to a pack, and my animal instincts agree with me on that; neither of us want to answer to anyone else. I have never belonged to a pack, I was born from rouge parents, as a rogue, and a rogue I will stay. I do not answer well to authority, and I never will, I cannot simply join a pack, with an Alpha that would tell me what to do, or have any kind of expectations for me. Absolutely not.

When I came back from my hunt, there was a familiar face standing outside my cave. I quickly went in, shifted, got changed and came back out with the special stone that allows visitors to enter our home. "Hi Seth," I said, grabbing us both beers from the fridge. Seth has visited the cave a lot in recent times, considering he was my boyfriend on and off for the past three years ish, so he knows not to venture into the cave because of the spell put on it.

"Hi gorgeous, I've missed you," he said, taking the beer and hugging me. "Have you heard the news about you two?" he asked.

"God, what are they saying now, that I am the love child of the moon goddess and Ares, that's what I heard last time," I rolled my eyes, plopping myself down onto one of the sofas.

"Nothing like that at all actually. It's praise. Everyone loves you for the fact you saved the princess, the royal Beta and Lady Jessica," he announced.

"Really?" I said, after basically choking on the beer I had just drank.

"Really. They've also announced Jason's acceptance into the royal pack. His picture is all over the werewolf news. You two are celebrities."

"Wow," I raised my eyebrows. That is so weird. In one minute, everyone hated us, the next everyone loved us. "They've had a change of tune."

"So, are you going to integrate back into society. My love, you can't live in this cave forever," Seth took my hand in his.

"I like this cave," I said defensively. "What's wrong with it?"

"You don't even have running water! And a stream that goes through the cave doesn't count. How long are you going to bathe in a waterfall for?" he looked at me with a face that said 'you-know-I'm-right-don't-even-try-arguing'.

"Well, where do you suggest I live?"

"With me."

"Oh yeah, in the palace for vampires. That's great, because I won't have every single vampire trying to kill me."

"You wouldn't anyway, my dad loves you."

"I like it here Seth."

"Belly, you there?" I heard Damien call from outside the cave.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Seth got up and stalked to outside the cave, where Damien was. The two of them absolutely hated eachother.

"Don't tell me you're back together with the corpse?" Damien looked over at me, rage flashing through his eyes.

"Don't tell me you're back together with this rabid animal?" Seth looked towards me with rage flashing through his eyes too.

"I'm not back together with anyone!" I threw my hands up. "If you two want to act like children, you can do it out here, I'm going inside."

"Wait," Damien grabbed my hand.

"Arabella, I will take my leave, but consider what I said," Seth said, kissing my forehead delicately, before turning and speeding off in a flash.

I invited Damien into the house, and we just sat. He collapsed on the sofa, falling asleep straight away, whilst I decided to make myself some food, because I was starving. Damien asked me to make some for him as well, and I called him a lazy ass, so he got up and proceeded to help me.

"So, Jason joined the royal pack," I started, after we had sat down at the dining table with dinner in front of us. "Has Logan woken up?"

"He said he's been trying to contact you, but that you weren't answering. Logan isn't awake yet though," Damien said. "That's why I came, I thought something had happened. That, and I wanted to see you again," he admitted.

"I turned my phone off," I shrugged, "I figured if it was that important, he would come and visit."

"The King wants to see you, the Princess misses you, and Lady Jessica misses you too, same with Pearce and Haley," Damien informed me.

"I don't want to see the King," I stated.

"What did Seth come here for?" he changed the subject.

"He wanted me to move out of this cave, and in with him. I said I love my cave. He also told me about how I'm basically a loved celebrity right now."

"Tell me about it. They don't love me as much, but they love me a lot too. It's a lot to take in," Damien admitted. "Have you heard about the ball?" he asked. I shook my head no. "The King is hosting a ball so that all the rogues and different packs can visit, and hopefully find their mates. It will basically be a load of werewolves in one place," he explained.

"Sounds gross."

"I want to go, I want to find my mate. You should come," Damien said.

"I am not going to that," I scrunched my face up in disgust. I couldn't think of anything worse.

"Please," he begged. I shook my head no, and he left it. I was stubborn when I wanted to be stubborn, and if I was set in my way on something, there was no changing my mind, absolutely no way.

Damien tried to convince me to go the next morning as well, after he spent the night in Jason's bed. He said that now he was potentially close to finding his mate, he didn't want to do anything to jeopardise it, and I agreed, because I knew we really shouldn't have anything going on between us anymore. Damien told me that Jason was going to be there, and the royals, and that I should go because of all these different reasons. The main reason he tried was because my mate could be there.

I didn't even know if I wanted a mate. I was so conflicted about the situation. When Damien left, he told me the exact date and location of the ball, and he even left a dress bag with an actual dress in it. The boy actually went out and bought me a dress. I have to admit, the dress was gorgeous, but I still didn't want to go.

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