Chapter 22

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Arabella Dimitri

I woke up this morning wanting to train, so train I did. I got up early, before Nicholas was awake, and I got changed, grabbing a bite to eat from our private kitchen, before heading to the training grounds.

Logan, the royal beta, was already there, setting up equipment and things for the people to train. I arrived just as the Gammas, Owen and Skye, arrived.

"Luna, how lovely of you to join us," Logan smiled at me, whilst adjusting his armour.

"Just call me Arabella, or shorten that, nothing formal," I said.

"What size are you?" asked Skye. When I looked questioningly at her, she clarified that it was for the armour, so I gave her my size, and she picked out some items for me.

"You can just use these for the day, I'll measure you for ones to fit whenever works for you," she explained, as she strapped the pieces onto my chest, around my hips and inbetween my legs, thighs, shins and forearms. She also gave me a blue suit to wear, that looked kind of like a wetsuit, but had scales all over it.

"I'm free whenever... how does this work when we shift?" I asked the obvious question.

"Chase and I, came up with the idea, and created these pieces, they use state of the art technology to expand when you shift into a wolf, so it protects you in your wolf form too, and when you shift back, it shifts back with you. The jumpsuits expand too," explained Skye.

"I'll give a demonstration," Owen said, before shifting into his wolf. Just like Skye said, the armour and the jumpsuit expanded. When he shifted back into his human form, the armour and the suit shrunk too.

"That's amazing," I was awestruck.

"You showing off again?" Obi asked, who was one of the Deltas, as he walked over to our group.

"Morning losers," Chase said, "oh, hi Arabella, you showing us your moves today?"

"Yep," I answered.

"Are you now?" I heard Nicholas ask, as he walked behind me, slipping his arms around my waist from the back. I grabbed his arm, flipped him over my back, so that he was on the floor, picked up one of the knives from the table next to me, and held it to Nicholas' neck.

"I am, that was the preview," I smiled sinisterly at him, then got up, and dusted myself off.

"That was priceless," laughed Chase, clutching his stomach.

"Shut up," growled Nicholas, punching Chase in the stomach.

Pretty quickly the whole training field filled up. Half of the night warriors were there, so the other half could guard, half of the rest of the normal warriors of the pack were there too, and finally half of the rest of the pack that were not warriors, but were of fighting age, as Nicholas believed that everyone who was able, should be taught how to fight.

Chase and Obi split up the group that were not warriors, taking half each. Owen and Skye led the normal warriors, which was where they decided I would be stationed, much to my annoyance. Logan and Keaton, who was head of the night warriors, took the night warriors, and Nicholas trained with them.

Training was hard, and it was intense. I had to get used to the armour, which was weird, and didn't fit properly. The weapons they used were clunky, and too big for me, and all in all it was a bit of a nightmare. At the end of the training session, it was 1 vs 1 fights between different people. Our training session had overrun for some reason, so not only did we have an audience of our training group, but all of the other training groups too. After three different sets of people fighting, I was told that I was up next. The referee was Skye for this match.

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