Chapter 2

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King Nicholas Anderson

"Why would the Dimitri twins even kidnap Madison, what use would they have for her?" asked one of my Gammas, Owen.

"I don't know, but it isn't the rogue alpha, and it isn't hunters," I grumbled as I paced back and forth in my office, running my hands through my hair over and over again.

"Surely you have more enemies than that," speculated my other Gamma, Skye, who was sat in one of the chairs.

"Like who?"

"Like the vampires, the witches hate us now, they've stopped doing magic for all werewolves, I know for a fact that there are other rogues out there who aren't in the rogue alpha's 'pack' who would happily kidnap any member of the royal family," explained Owen.

"Well then, let's chase all those bloody leads," I growled at him. He bowed slightly, turned around, and left.

"We'll find them," Skye reassured me, giving me a soft smile, before following Owen out of the room.

I sighed in annoyance, gripping my hair one last time before collapsing into my office chair. On my desk was a photo of my family, where I was holding baby Madison, who was only one year old in the picture, and she had such chubby cheeks. Next to it was a photo of myself and Logan on the day we got crowned as the Alpha King and Royal Beta. I miss them.

I growled and threw everything off my desk, smashing the photoframes in the process. Fuck sake. I grabbed a bottle of strong whiskey out of my liquor cabinet and started drinking it like water. I knew it wasn't going to help the situation, and it wouldn't help me find my family, but Goddess I needed it.

For some reason I can't stop thinking about the Dimitri twins, feeling like there is something that is drawing me to them. I can't explain it, but the only reason I can come up with is that they are somehow involved in this kidnapping.

Arabella Dimitri

"They seriously think we have something to do with kidnapping a child?" I growled. My animal instincts were clouding my thinking, all I could see was red, and I wanted to shift, run straight into the royal pack and rip the head off the man they call Alpha King.

"The king is a fucking idiot," Jason said, grabbing another load of beers out of the fridge for us all.

"He's only 28, like you could do a better job, you're like 23," Damien raised his eyebrows.

"I'll have you know I am 6000 years old," joked Jason. At least he still had some humour in him, because I could tell that he was getting angry at the never-ending false accusations against us, as was I.

"Oh yes, silly me," chuckled Damien.

"Who do you think actually did it?" I asked the two idiots, bringing us back on topic.

"Probs vamps," Damien shrugged his shoulders.

"I wonder if Seth knows anything about it..." I trailed off.

"Don't mention that tool in this bloody cave," growled Jason. Seth is my ex-boyfriend, and is the Prince of Vampires. We had been one and off for about a year, completely ending things three months ago. It was pretty civil; things just weren't working out, and I was sort of getting whiplash from breaking up and getting back together.

Jason and Seth absolutely hate eachother, they have so many fights, verbal and physical, and I literally have to rip them apart. Seth is also the son of the current vampire king, which doesn't help because werewolves and vampires are supposed to be sworn enemies. I can't help it though, he is so charming, and the sex was other-worldly. Damien also despises him. Damien despises him for the same reasons as my brother, but also because when I started dating Seth, I had to end my casual fling with Damien and I think he was getting kind of attached to me, of course Jason doesn't know that reason.

"I'll call him," I stood up.

"NO," both boys shouted. I gave them both a glare and headed off to my room.

My room... can you really call it a room? It is a section of the cave. There is a door-like hole, which I have actually attached a wooden door to, although it doesn't fill all the gaps of the hole, because the door has straight edges and the door-like hole is raggedy. The 'room' itself is a nice size, it obviously has rocks for walls, ceiling and floor, and it is kind of jagged. I have a huge carpet on the floor which saves my feet from being cut up, and even though my werewolf healing would mean as soon as I sat on my bed they healed, it still hurt like a bitch. There is a dresser that I brought all the way up the mountain, as well as a wardrobe, but I brought it up flatpacked and then constructed it in the room, even though the instructions were in Spanish and the only languages I am fluent in are English and Italian (Dimitri, duh). There is also a bed, a desk, a sofa and a swirly chair. I tried to hang some paintings on the walls but they didn't really work, and I used to have a dressing table but it broke when Seth was fucking me on it so I just use the desk as a dressing table now.

I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialled Seth's number. It went to voicemail after a couple of rings, so I dialled it again. "Hey gorgeous, you missing me already?" I heard his voice through the phone.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," I flirted.

"Don't make me come all the way there tonight, you know I will."

"Don't, Damien and Jason are both here."

"Those idiots... You make me want to come even more so I can fight them, then fuck you senseless."

"Shut up Seth, you're disgusting." He chuckled at that.

"So, what brings me the pleasure of hearing your voice again after three months?"

"I see you've been counting," he chuckled again. "I was wondering if you knew anything about the kidnapping of the princess?"

"Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing. I've not got a clue darling, nothing to do with the vamps, I would've heard. I heard it might be you two Dimitri twins."

"I'm literally two beers down, sat, doing fuck all. Anyway, why would I kidnap a kid?"

"It's weird isn't it. The royals seem to be blaming everyone except their own kind, apart from rogues of course. When will they stop turning a blind eye to the cracks in their kingdom?"

"You think it was werewolves?" I asked.

"Gorgeous, I know it was werewolves. The Blue Crescent pack is where I would look first. I heard their gamma is a rapist, murdered by the royals as punishment, surely there'll be some bad blood there," speculated Seth.

"Do you think I should interfere?" I asked him.

"I think you need to stop hiding in a cave for the rest of your life and integrate back into society darling, and being top of the king's hitlist won't help with that one."

"As if anyone would come close to us, do you know our last name? But thank you Seth."

"You need to show people there is still some love left in the Dimitri name. And anytime. I'll visit you soon."

"That's basically impossible."

"If not, move in with me."

"I can already see the headlines 'Dimitri twins partner up with the vampire king to bring down all werewolves'," I giggled.

"Werewolves are paranoid bastards, no offence."

"None taken. Anyway, I've got to go, nice speaking."

"See you around gorgeous."

I walked back into the room with Damien and Jason, who were just moving onto the hard liquor, with a newfound determination. "I know how we are spending our weekend," I announced. They both looked at me with confusion spread across their faces. "We are saving a princess."

"Cool," Damien shrugged his shoulders; he's very laid back, Jason just rolled his eyes.

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