Chapter 1

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Arabella Dimitri

"Fuck you," I grumbled at my brother, Jason, grabbing a nearby log and launching it at its head. "I don't want a mate."

"Of course you do, someone needs to bring a smile to Ms. Grumplestiltskin's face," laughed Jason.

"Piss off, like you want a mate anyway."

"I do want a mate, and when I get a mate, I am going to spoil him," nodded Jason, looking very pleased with himself.

"As if," I rolled my eyes, "spoil him with what, you do realise we live in a cave."

"That's only temporary."

"You and I both know it isn't."

"Well, mum and dad left us a lot of money, and I can always rob a bank," speculated Jason.

"You are stupid," I grabbed another log and threw is at his head. Jason used his powers of controlling the air to push the log away so that it didn't hit him. "What if he belongs to a pack?"

"Then I'll join it, or he'll come with us," he shrugged his shoulders.

"You would actually join a pack?" I raised both my eyebrows at him.


"I couldn't imagine you in a pack. You would actually listen to an alpha telling you what to do?" I asked. Jason pondered that question for a moment or two before deciding on his answer.

"No, I probably wouldn't listen to them, I could challenge them for the role of alpha, I'd definitely win," he grinned.

"Like I said, you are stupid."

We continued our walk back from the small town near our cavern home, arguing and pissing eachother off on the way. The woods were quiet at this time of the year, but all the more beautiful. The snow covered and caressed every branch of every tree, the leaves long gone, apart from the few evergreeen trees that dotted the landscape. Most of the animals had gone into hibernation, but the few that did remain were quiet, and blended into the surroundings well.

Our feet crunched in the snow as we walked back to our cavern home, which isn't as bad as it sounds; we have lived there for eight years, so we have decked it out quite a bit. The bags of food we were carrying seemed to get heavier and heavier as we ascended the rocky mountain that overlooked the forest, and where our home was carved into. In the winter months we tend to buy food from the town, rather than hunting it, as the cold mixed with the decrease in animal options can tire us out easily.

After we got a witch to cast a spell on the cave so that anyone who entered it turned around and left, completely forgetting why they wanted to go in the cave, except us of course, we took the liberty of making it a permanent home. There was a little kitchen area with a gas oven, we had a lounge area with a TV, a power generator that gives us electricity, there was a small stream that ran through the cave that has fresh drinking water, and there were two bedroom areas too.

As we got closer to the cavern entrance, I picked up a scent, a very familiar scent. There, standing to the side of the cave entrance, leaning against the rocky wall, with one foot up against the rocks, was Damien, our best friend and only real connection to the outside world. "Dame, my man," Jason grinned, dropping his bags on the ground and going over to bro-hug Damien.

"I wish you would stop with that nickname, it is too feminine!" Damien chuckled. "Hey princess," he smiled at me, holding his arms out. I walked over and punched him in the shoulder. "No hug?" he grinned childishly at me, I stuck my tongue out at him. Damien is the biggest flirt I've ever met, and he's a tease too. He is an attractive man, with dark hair, pale skin, whisky brown eyes and sharp features. He was extremely tall and well built, much like my brother, however my brother was clean shaven, and Damien, as a rouge, was pretty grizzly. He looks extremely similar to his father, Leopold; the rouge alpha, and personality wise the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. He is also one of my closest friends.

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