Chapter 42 - the end

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Queen Arabella Anderson

"Oh pleaseeee," I begged Nick to let me drive his fancy car, which so far was a flat-out no.

"Arabella, you've never driven a car in your life," he shook his head, trying not to smile at me.

"Then teach me," I threw my arms up in the air. It was such an obvious solution to the problem! "It's not my fault I was a rouge," I crossed my arms and looked down, "hated by all of the werewolves," I began my sob story, "even you thought I was a villain," I fake sniffled, "my own mate."

"Fine," he grumbled. I beamed up at him and he rolled his eyes at my antics. He was wrapped around my little finger and I loved it.

After he handed me the keys, I hopped into the driver's side and he went into the passenger side, clicking some button to bring the roof down. "So, put the key in the ignition," he said, which I did, and then I turned it and the car roared to life, it felt quite cool actually. "There are three pedals, the clutch, the brake and the accelerator..." he started, intricately showing me exactly how to do it. I stalled five times, but then I got the hang of it, and I was driving all over the place, down all the different country roads around the castle, the wind blowing through my hair, it was so fun.

"You really are something," Nick said to me, tucking a strand of hair behind me eyes, then captured my lips in a soft kiss.

King Nicholas Anderson

I don't know where I'd be without her. This little rouge beauty stormed into my life, grabbed it by the antlers and declared it as hers. Our story has been a wild one, with twists and turns, and events I wish hadn't happened, but looking at it now, there is no other way it could have panned out, and I was fucking happy.

It's been five years since I first met her, at that ball. We hold a ball every year now, in hopes to try and bring mates together, in circumstances where they may not have found eachother before.

The Blue Crescent pack's new Alpha proved to be the best thing that happened to them; they had a load of rouges join them, and are fast becoming a strong, healthy pack again.

In recent times, Damien took over as the Rouge Alpha from his father, and Seth took over as the Vampire Queen, with his four wives at his side.

Relations with the Rouge Alpha and the Vampire King, as well as their fathers, are better than ever; we have them over for various balls and parties, and they have us over. The Vampire King's parties are some of the wildest I've ever been to, and I always wake up with a nasty headache in the morning, but Arabella is always there to nurse me back to health, bless her.

Christopher also found his mate. She is lovely, really kind and caring, and a great tracker too, who will be an asset to the Kingdom. Just as expected, Christopher became every bit as possessive, soppy and 'lame' as I am, but he honestly couldn't care less; he is extremely happy.

Obi also found his mate, a man called Peter. It was a shock for him that it was a guy, as it was for us, but they have been working on their relationship, and last I heard they had just become official. They were happy too.

Owen and Skye had their first child four years ago, and their second child seven months ago, both adorable little girls, exactly half their father and half their mother. They are my little angels, and I love them. They are all happy.

Chase married Amber, they have a two-year-old son, who I am currently teaching, with Chase, how to fight, behind Amber's back as she thinks her son is too young for it. They are happy, although Amber would probably be angry if she found out.

We often get letters from Sylvaria Sharpe too, all the way from the Unknown. She says she wants to stay in contact with Jason and Arabella, as they are practically her children. She often writes about her day, and her garden, and the kinds of potions she is trying to make. She has also recently got a pregnant cat, and she writes about her too. She is happy.

My parents have gone completely into retirement and have moved out of the main castle and into the holiday castle where we had Christmas. They visit often, mainly because of Madison, who has grown up so much recently, and boys have been trying to court her, to which myself and my brothers chase them all away. She often gets angry at us, but at the end of the day we all play some games with eachother, and are happy.

Noah is Noah, my youngest brother, still a lady killer, but he is happy.

Logan and Jason, my beta males, had their first son via IVF about a year ago, and most of their time has been spent looking after him, as he had a few health issues at the beginning of the year. He is doing much better now, and Logan is slowly partaking in normal activities again, as is Jason. They are a happy family.

"Nick?" I heard my Queen ask. I realised I had tuned out for a second, thinking about my friends and family, over this dinner she had prepared for us this evening. "Are you okay?"

"I'm amazing," I replied, holding her hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"There's something I have to tell you," she began, looking kind of nervous. I was instantly on high alert, I didn't know if there was a threat or not, but I wanted to solve any problem that made my wife feel scared. "I'm pregnant." I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Then it hit me full force.


"Really?" I squealed out, sounding kind of like Madison on her birthday.

"Really," she smiled.

"Fuck," I breathed, standing up, pulling her into me and spinning her around as she giggled like a teenager. "This is fucking amazing," I grinned down at her. "When did you find out? How far along are you?"

"I found out two days ago, and I'm six weeks," she replied, not able to wipe the grin off her face.

"Fuck," I pulled her in for another hug, and kissed her hungrily. "I can't wait to have our own little baby."

"Me either," she relaxed into my hold.

We are happy too.

The end.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed this story, please comment, vote share etc, would mean the world to me, and let me know what you thought! Take care xoxox

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