Chapter 11

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Arabella Dimitri

The ball was pretty much in full swing right now, as I stood by the bar, ordering myself another drink. Damien and Em had left to slow dance on the dance floor, as they stared romantically into eachother's eyes. "Martini, with a kick," I ordered. I like the strong stuff, what can I say?

"Ari," I heard my brother say behind me. There he stood, looking dapper in a suit, his hair cut nicely, his beard trimmed and shaped, his skin practically glowing. He looked completely different to the dishevelled man I knew from back in the cave. I guess I looked completely different too, all dressed up. On his arm was Logan, looking very dapper, and also actually awake.

"Hi," I smiled at them. Jason pulled me into a warm hug, and I hugged Jessie too.

"I've missed you," Jason said, "we both have," he looked lovingly at his mate.

"It's lovely to meet you," Logan held out his hand, and kissed my hand when I placed it in his.

"And you," I smiled at him.

"Well, we are off," Jason said, dragging his mate to the exit, as Logan just chuckled and followed.

"Belly!" I heard the sweet little girl's voice.

"Madison!" I exclaimed, bending down to pick her up, and put her on my hip, like she was a Koala.

"I missed you, can we play later?" she asked.

"Maybe another day, tonight is going to be a late one," I bopped her on the nose.

"Can I show you my brother?" she asked. I put her down on the floor and nodded. She grabbed my hand and dragged me over the dance floor.

A smell hit me. It was like freshly cut sandalwood, and pine leaves. It completely enveloped me and took over every single one of my senses. It was like I had never breathed before, and now I was finally breathing. I had never smelt anything like it before.

Madison continued to drag me to see her brother, and the scent just kept getting stronger and stronger. "Niccy!" I heard her say as she ran over to, who I guessed, was her brother. He picked her up and spun her round. "I want you to meet my friend, Belly!" The King, her brother, Nicholas, sniffed the air. I could see his eyes widen, before he turned and made direct eye contact with me.

Mate, mate, mate, MATE. I felt within me.

"Mine," I heard Nicholas say, as he started walking over to me.

"Nope," I stated, and I turned on my heels and ran as fast as I could. I ran and ran. I was fast, really fast, and that helped, because it sounded like the whole bloody royal pack was running after me.

I wanna go back to mate. My instincts complained. They were pushing me to turn around, and accept the loving embrace of my mate, without complaint. It was hard to push past those feelings, but I managed to do it nonetheless. With that, I shifted, and ran even faster. I had lost the warriors and King chasing after me pretty quickly, but I knew outrunning them wasn't the only thing I could do, I had to hide, and the only place I knew he could never get into was my cave, so I ran there.

After about eight hours of straight running, faster than I had ever run before, I was finally back in my cave. I went in, shifted, and got changed. I thought about what was in my hotel room. Apart from some clothes, some toiletries, my curling wand and my makeup, that was it, and all of that stuff was replaceable too. My phone was the only thing that I might need, which would still be left with my ripped up dress from where I shifted, along with my hotel keycard.

All I can hope now is that Jason is actually a loyal brother, and doesn't tell the king and everyone exactly where I am. I think I would have to disown him for that.

I knew I shouldn't have gone to the damned ball. There I was thinking how rare it would be that I would be mated to an Alpha, but here I was, mated to the literal Alpha King, of all people.

King Nicholas Anderson

"Do you actually think this will work?" I asked Owen, as we stood around in a circle. Owen had his arm around his mate, Skye. Then there was Chase and Obi. Although Chase had actually found his mate, in a pretty blonde rogue called Amber, and he immediately took her back to the palace. They were probably mating as we speak, as were my beta and his mate, most probably. I wondered if I saw my mate today whether that is what we would do, go back to the palace and mate. Maybe she would want to wait for a bit, to get to know eachother first, maybe she would stay in bed with me and cuddle me though. I hoped that she would want to cuddle me.

I felt a tugging on my trouser leg. I looked down to see my sister, telling me that she had seen her friend and she wanted to go find her and bring her back to show me. I smiled down at her and told her to go ahead, after telling one of the Night Warriors to follow her and ensure her safety.

After a few minutes, I heard her shouting "Niccy". She ran over to me, and I picked her up and spun her round. "I want you to meet my friend, Belly!" she exclaimed. Oh, so the friend she saw was Arabella Dimitri. I didn't think that she would actually turn up at the ball, but evidently, she was here. Before I could even think anymore about her, I was wrapped up in this intoxicating scent of jasmine, fresh rain, and raspberries. I turned to look for the scent, and I stared right into the eyes of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.

Mate, it's our mate, go get our mate! My instincts were telling me. This was Arabella Dimitri. Arabella Dimitri was my mate...

"Mate," I said, starting to walk over to her, wanting to just hold her in my embrace. I was already thankful to her for saving my sister and Lady Jessica, and now she actually was my mate, to top that all off.

"Nope," I heard her say, before she turned on her heels and ran. I ran straight after her, mindlinking everyone to help with the chase, and pretty soon we were on her tail. She shifted, and I got to see her beautiful wolf, exactly as she has been described, midnight black, with a single white ear. If I could see her eyes, I would also see that they were the same as they were when I stared into them moments ago, one blue and one green, except in wolf form they would be glowing.

She was too fast. She got away. "How the fuck did she get away?" I shouted.

"We will find her Alpha," my head warrior said to me.

"Yes, you will," I stated, before turning back and running to the palace. I was going to find Jason Dimitri, and I was going to make him tell me where his sister was, or so help me God there would only be one Dimitri living after today, and that would be my mate.

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