Chapter 12

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King Nicholas Anderson

I now realised what the trackers were saying to me earlier, about how the Dimitri's can just lose their scents; it was as if Arabella Dimitri's scent was never there, completely disappeared into thin air, along with my mate.

She was quick, I'll give her that. If it didn't anger me so much that she had run away, I would be impressed, proud even, that she was my mate, and the future queen of this kingdom. She was beautiful too, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, as cliché as that is. Her jet-black hair framed her face, falling in cascades over her shoulders. I remember the way her contrasting eyes bore into mine, and the way her body looked in that dress, showing an unholy amount of tanned skin that one day may send me to an early grave.

I turned and walked back to where the ball was, but there was no way I was giving up, no, I was just going for reinforcements.

On my way back I noticed her shredded red dress, ripped because she had shifted mid-run. Within the shreds had landed her phone and the key card to her hotel room. Even though I was fairly sure there would be nothing in her hotel room that would lead me to her, I had to check anyway.

It didn't take much for the receptionist to tell me the room number, and I quickly made my way up there. I could smell her intoxicating scent from outside the hotel room, but when I clicked the card in the holder and swung the door open, I was completely overwhelmed. It was everywhere, she was everywhere, and her stuff was everywhere as well, damn she was messy. It was cute though, I would just have to get some maids to pick up after her.

There wasn't much in the hotel room in the way of furniture, in fact it was pretty basic, and definitely not fit for the queen she evidently is. I recalled Jason telling me that they had lived in a cave for many years, and I practically boiled with anger at thinking about my mate on the cold, hard surface of a rocky cave. I mindlinked someone to collect her stuff and bring it back to the castle, considering the fact that she might want it back, and the hotel would just throw it when they cleaned up tomorrow.

On my way out of the hotel room I bumped into a woman and a man. She was wearing an emerald dress with strawberry blonde hair, and the man, the man I recognised instantly. "Alpha King, what brings you here?" he asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"None of your business," I snapped back, a hardness to my tone, because I had absolutely no interest in small talk with this man.

"Is that Arabella's phone?" Damien asked, looking down at the phone that I was gripping in my hand.

"How do you know Arabella?" I asked, my interest suddenly piqued.

"She's an old friend," he answered, looking on guard. "Why do you have her phone?"

"It was with her ripped up clothes when she shifted, I'm going to give it back to her when she returns," I answered.

"Why would she return to you?" he asked. That angered my wolf, I had to hold back from snapping his neck right here, right now.

"She is my mate," I clenched my jaw.

"Oh fuck, no wonder she ran away," he stated.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, grabbing him by the throat and pushing him against the wall of the hall.

"She doesn't want to be part of a pack," he struggled to get out. I released my grip a little so he could speak easier, and gestured for him to continue. "She hates rules, she hates people telling her what to do, she hates alphas. She's a free spirit. I know she was hoping for her mate to be a rogue, or someone that would turn rogue." That broke me.

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