Chapter 36

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King Nicholas Anderson

"NICHOLAS!" I heard her shouting through the castle, her angry stomps getting closer and closer, and her wrath inevitably coming with it. "What the fuck is this?!" she held up her wrist, which I had attached a device to that only I had the key to unlock. It was mainly a tracker, ensuring that she wouldn't leave the castle, and to let me know where she is.

Since the incident, I wasn't happy at all about her being unaccompanied, so I got ten of my most trusted guards to stay with her all day every day, as well as the two Deltas. She still somehow snuck out a couple of times, so I had to resort to this measure. "Darling, baby, you know I only want your safety," I tried to reason with her, placing my hands on her hips, which she grabbed and shoved off.

"I did not come all the way back here to save your ass only to let you lock me up like some prisoner," she was angry, really angry. I honestly had no idea what to do or how to solve this situation.

"You have this whole castle to roam, there are so many things for you to do!"

"That's not the fucking point Nick."

"I just, I can't lose you again," I spoke, my voice completely defeated. "I lost you three times now, I can't do it again, you can't leave me again."

Her face changed from one of anger, to one of understanding as she stepped towards me, bringing my head and caressing it in her chest, stroking her hand through my hair. "I'm not going anywhere Nick, I promise. But the more you try and trap me, the more I'll push back."

"I know, I'm just scared," I mumbled into her chest.

"I'm your soon to be Queen and soon to be wife, right now I am your mate, I'm not leaving you. You can keep the guards on me if you want, but you need to let me leave this castle."

"You're mine," I growled.

"I know baby, I'm yours," she kissed the top of my head.

I proceeded to show her just what I meant when I said she was mine, taking her all over my office, until she was screaming my name for the whole castle to hear. I didn't care if they heard, I wanted them to hear how their Queen was mine, and that no one stood a chance in hell with her, that no one could pleasure her the way I could. I remarked her where I marked her the first time, my teeth piercing over her first mark, causing the both of us to experience even more pleasure. When I was done, I did it all over again, and she fucking loved it.

Arabella Dimitri

After Nicholas finally let me out of his office, I used my new-found freedom to finally take a run in my wolf form. Of course, I was trailed by the ten annoying ass guards as well as Chase and Obi. I love Chase and Obi, but spending practically all hours of the day with them following me around was getting pretty annoying. At this point in time I really wanted to just sneak away from them and appreciate the nature on my own, but I knew then I would be back om house arrest, with Nick breathing down my neck, as if he wasn't already doing enough of that.

"So, I see he re-marked you," Chase said, taking a seat next to me in the kitchen of the royal chambers, as we ate the food that Obi had prepared for us. I blushed and looked away, rolling my eyes in the process.

"Shut up," I said back to him.

"I'm just pointing out the obvious babe," Chase teased me.

"Alpha's are insanely possessive, of course he was going to re-mark her, this won't be the last time either," Obi stated, taking a seat on the other side of me. "I'll definitely re-mark my mate, and I'm only a Delta."

"Yeah, but a royal delta at that," Chase added, obviously proud of his status.

"How is Amber?" I asked after Chase's mate.

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