Chapter 28

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Logan Gallagher

It has been days since the group had left, to go on the search for a ghost of a witch, and a shard of hope to try and wake up the two men sleeping in the Royal hospital wing. I had a nightmare trying to cover for them, but apparently it was believed when I said they were both suffering with the flu, and were completely bedbound. Some even thought it was 'cute' that they were suffering together.

I didn't think there was anything cute about it.

I was currently keeping the Kingdom together, but there was no one there to keep me together. I had done this job before, numerous times, when Nicholas had left for various missions, or in search of his mate.

I had never had to do this job before though when I had a mate, who was paralysed in the hospital. All I wanted was to go back down into the dungeons and slowly torture each and every one of the men that wad down there, and I did, often, when I wasn't working, or by my mate's side.

Jason was a ray of light in my life. He was not only powerful, he was loving, caring, slightly callous and unrelenting, but also affectionate, and loyal. I loved him like he loved me.

I found out on the day that he got paralysed that he was planning this whole evening out for me, with the help of Jessica, the Lady in Waiting to Princess Madison. He was going to give me flowers, cook me dinner, and he wanted to mark me too. That somehow made it even harder, knowing the night we could have had, versus the night we ended up having.

I visit him all the time that I can. I don't know if he can hear what I am saying, I don't even know if he can feel my hand when I squeeze it, but I do it anyway, and I talk to him anyway, just in case. I tell him what is going on, how my day has been, how much I miss him and want him back, how excited I am for the future we will one day have.

Often, I see Obi's family in the waiting room too, especially his sister, who has taken it quite hard. I see her tear stained cheeks and her pained expression. I know she doesn't have much hope for him, I know she sees reality the way it truly is, and I know I should be seeing the same reality; that the chances of them ever finding Sylvaria Sharpe are more than slim, and so the chances of us being with our loved ones again are also more than slim. But I can't give up hope, and I know Jason wouldn't give up hope on me either.

You must know my surprise, and complete joy, when I got news that the group had left The Unknown, with exactly what they had gone in there for. There was a team of Night Warriors waiting for their return closer by to the border of The Unknown, so luckily it didn't take long for them to reach the group. Soon they were on their way.

I think the next three days were the hardest, because I knew something could be done, but it just wasn't being done yet. I just had to wait, and I am an extremely impatient person.

I got a mindlink as soon as they crossed the border, not just telling me that they had crossed the border, but that Arabella herself was running all the way to the hospital, as it was going to be quicker than the cars. With not a moment to lose, I had shifted and was on my way to the hospital too. I walked in to Arabella sprinkling some kind of plant on the lips of both Jason and Obi. Within seconds, both of their eyes had opened. I almost fell to my knees in appreciation.

Arabella was now not only my queen because she was mated to the King, but she was my queen because she saved my mate, and one of my closest friends, after taking it upon herself to go on such a dangerous journey.

Today she had earnt my respect, as well as many others in the castle, and in the Kingdom.

We were told that the after effects of the NIghtwort would be 'the worst hangover ever', so although Jason and Obi were technically 'awake', they soon fell asleep, as most of their energy had been drained.

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