Chapter 32

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Arabella Dimitri

Instead of him stripping me naked and fucking me in the middle of the field, he scooped me up into his arms and ran as fast as he could into the castle. At some point we arrived into the room we had been sharing before, which looked practically untouched since I had left, and I was thrown onto the bed. Our clothes were quickly disposed of, and we were both naked. I couldn't tell where my body ended and his begun, but it didn't matter, as we helped eachother reach levels of pleasure one could only dream of having.

"Never leave me again," he spoke huskily into my ear as he pounded into me.

"I won't," I whispered back into his, wrapping my hands around his neck and pulling him impossibly closer into me. "I'm yours," I said, knowing that it would drive him crazy, which it did, and his pace and animalistic pounding increased.

"You're mine, say it again," he growled.

"I'm yours," I whispered. We both climaxed soon after that, after an ungodly amount of rounds.

"I'm yours too baby," he whispered in my ear as he wrapped me in his arms and cuddled me, slowly tracing circles on my naked back as I was lulled into a deep sleep.

The next five days I wasn't allowed to leave the room, and the only time I was allowed to leave the bed was to use the bathroom, and even then, Nicholas often followed me. We had food delivered to our bed at mealtimes, and so the five days consisted purely of loving eachother, and eachother's bodies.

I needed some fresh air though, and even though no part of me wanted to leave Nick's side, I was hungry, and my I wanted to go for a run. Whilst he was still sleeping, I somehow untangled myself from his naked body and tiptoed through the bedroom. I had almost made it to the door before I was pulled back into the naked, sexy body of my very angry mate. He didn't say anything, he just growled warningly at me, and then threw me back on the bed, trapping my body under his, and continuing to pound into me for the next couple of hours.

When we were finally done, we lay there, side to side on our backs, both a panting mess. I turned my head to look at him, and he turned his head to look at me, and we lay there, completely immersed in eachother's eyes. The aura was broken when my stomach growled loudly, and I remembered what I had wanted when I tried to leave the bedroom earlier.

"I'm hungry," I said to Nick.

"I'll call someone to bring you food," he mumbled, reaching an arm over and dragging me into his embrace.

"We need to leave the room at some point, we have work to do too," I scolded him.

"We?" he looked at me shocked, "you want to take your position as Queen?"

"I do," I smiled, kissing him softly. That only seemed to set him off, as he turned our kiss into a passionate one, taking me all over again, and marking me multiple times again in the process. By the next time we were both laying down a panting mess, I had an extra three of his marks on me, one on each of my breasts and one on the other side of my neck, whilst he had another from me on his chest.

"Nick, we really need to leave this room," I giggled into his chest as he held me, like he never wanted to let me go.

"Fine," he grumbled.

Eventually he did let me go, we both showered and got changed, and hand in hand we left the room together. We walked down into the main dining room, where everyone had gathered, and were all eating vast amounts of the buffet that was laid out for them. As soon as we caught their attention, they all stopped and stood up, bowing deeply. "At ease gentlemen," Nicholas said, striding through the room, tugging me along with him, till he reached the head of the table. I saw Logan and Jason who were sat to the right of Nick's chair, and Owen and Skye to the left of Nick's chair, then there was Obi and Chase, and Chase's mate. I saw Christopher and Noah (Nicholas' younger brothers) there too, as well as Nick's parents, Madison and Jessica. The rest of the table was filled with various other Elders, Night Warriors, generals and trackers, all important people in the Kingdom. I couldn't' see a chair for me though, but that was quickly solved when I was scooped up into Nick's arm and placed securely on his lap, with his arm around me like a seatbelt. One of the maids brought us each a plate of food, with a little bit of everything, and as soon as Nick started eating, the rest of the table began too, erupting back into various conversations.

"You stink of eachother," laughed Jason, who earnt a glare from me and a glare from Nick.

"Finally got the girl then?" Logan winked at Nick, and they had the audacity to fist bump eachother, that earnt Nick and swift smack on the arm from me, causing many people to just chuckle at my expense.

I was filled in on everything that had happened since I had been gone, and everything that was going to happen now, including Chase and Obi, annoyingly, never leaving my side when I wasn't around Nicholas. There was also going to be the Harvest Moon Bonfire soon, in celebration of October's full moon. There was also going to be my coronation and wedding in two months' time. I was also asked multiple times when I was going to be providing the next heir. It was all pretty overwhelming, but I was here for Nicholas, and I was the future Queen of this kingdom, it was high time for me to stop being selfish and to accept my role in full.

"You okay?" Nicholas whispered in my ear, squeezing my waist slightly.

"A bit scared," I said honestly, leaning back into him.

"You'll do amazing, I'll always be by your side. I love you," he said back.

"I love you too Nick," I gave him a quick kiss, only to turn around and realise the entire table was watching our interactions. After a warning growl from Nick, they all continued doing what they were doing.

King Nicholas Anderson

When I saw my mate, Arabella Dimitri, on the side of the clearing, along with an army of vampires and an army of rouges, I thought I was seeing things, like someone had slipped something into my drink. It was only after she killed a Blue Crescent Pack member who was about to catch me off guard that I realised she was actually here, and I snapped back into action, not wanting anyone to injure my precious mate, meaning I was going to have to kill every one in the Blue Crescent army to be happy.

When she split the earth, and split our armies away from her and Jason, and proceeded to kill each and every one of the Blue Crescent army, I was mad, angry, yet also completely turned on at the same time. I wanted to spank her till her ass was red, yet I wanted to pleasure her till the end of the earth. I just hoped that she wasn't about to leave me again, I don't think I could handle it. Seeing my mate, yet not being able to feel the mate bond was weird, yet I still had this complete attraction and infatuation with her, and I knew even without the mate bond, I wanted her to be mine.

After we marked eachother, and I ran us up to our room, which I hadn't touched since she had left, not wanting to sleep in 'our' bed without her, we completed the mating process, our mate bond was back, and I couldn't bear to let her leave my arms, and so I didn't. I told Logan over our mindlink that he was in charge, and I proceeded to show Arabella just how much she meant to me. I didn't let her leave the bed unless she wanted the bathroom, and even then I followed her in, not wanting to take my eyes off her pretty face. We showered together, maids brought us food and we ate together, and then we fucked together. It was exactly what I had been hoping to do since I met the little fireball that was Arabella Dimitri.

I would have been perfectly content with that routine being my entire life from now on, but I knew she was right when she said we had to get back to work. I couldn't help it though when she agreed to be my Queen, it set off something animalistic in me that wanted to take her all over again, and so I did.

We finally left the room and joined the most important people in my pack for food. They didn't realise we would be joining, and I know a lot of them felt guilty about beginning to eat before we had arrived, but they paused, let us get our food, and followed royal protocol. I could tell that what was being said around the table was slightly overwhelming Arabella. I was nervous myself to push her too far, in case she tried to push back, but we had already discussed that we were going to be getting married, and she knew that being Queen required coronation. I wasn't sure where she stood on having my child, but I was personally in no hurry, and wanted to go at whatever pace she wanted to go at.

The night ended with the two of us running together in our wolf form. I teased her a little bit, brushing my fur up against hers, licking her clean with my tongue, and occasionally pulling her tail with my mouth, for which she bit my nose in return for; I guess I deserved that. She licked me clean in return, and ran next to me, occasionally bumping me with her shoulder and egging me to chase her. Being an alpha, I loved the chase, and when I caught her, I pinned her underneath me. She was still giggling when she turned back into her human form, and I was grinning when I turned back into my own human form.

We made love there, on the forest floor, multiple times, and only after we were completely satisfied, did we walk back to the castle, and do it all over again in the comfort of our freshly made bed.

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