Chapter 17

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King Nicholas Anderson

What is this girl doing to me?

I've gone soft. I used to be one of the most ruthless werewolves in the world, and I ruled with an iron fist, yet here I am literally sleeping on the sofa because of that little minx.

Three hours earlier.

"And this is my bedroom, well, our bedroom," I said as I finished off the tour of the castle. I'd had many different rooms in the castle, from when I was a baby, to a child, teenager, adult and then finally, King. The King's chambers were always sacred, so when I became King, my parent's moved to the 'Former Monarch's' chambers, and I took theirs, redoing the entire place in my wake. I kept a lot of it the same, but I put my own spin on it, as is tradition. Usually, the King has his Queen by the time he redoes the chambers though, however I did not, so I was sure I was going to have to redo them all at a later date, to Arabella's wishes.

"This is my room," Arabella stated, dropping her duffel bag on the floor. She pulled out a pair of slippers from the bag and slipped them on her feet, after yanking her trainers off, leaving them lying on the floor somewhere. Like I said before, Arabella was messy; I think I will need a whole crew of maids to just pick up after her, because I doubt there was any changing her ways.

"Well yes, our bedroom," I said, picking up her shoes and placing them neatly by the side of one of the sofas in the room.

"We aren't sharing a room," she turned, looking at me absolutely disgusted, as if I had just said something completely abhorrent.

"Well, where will I sleep then?" I asked, my brows furrowed together.

"Sofa," she answered.


"Sofa," she pointed at one of the sofas in the room. I guess at least I will be staying in the same room as her, technically, just on the sofa...

"The bed is a super king, we wouldn't be touching if-"

"Sofa," she said again. I sighed and agreed. Unfortunately, this little devil had me wrapped around her little finger, and in reality, I would do anything she said.

What is this girl doing to me?

So here I am, sleeping on a sofa. It's actually pretty comfortable, although I would much rather be snuggling my mate over there on the even comfier bed, with her in my arms. It was extremely hard to sleep though, and I would presume that is because the mate bond wanted us to be together; it was way stronger for the two of us because I am an Alpha King, and she will soon be Luna Queen.

I knew she was experiencing something similar, because I could hear her tossing and turning in the bed. Eventually I heard her soft snores, and once I knew she was asleep, I soon drifted off myself.


The next morning, I woke way before Arabella. I could sense that she was a deep sleeper, and I already knew not to disturb her when she was sleeping. I, however, had duties to fulfil, so I rolled off the sofa and went quietly into the walk in wardrobe. The Queen walk in wardrobe was next to mine, and attached via an archway in the middle. Hers was a lot bigger than mine though, as in the past Queens have seemed to have a lot more things than the Kings, although I wasn't too sure about this one.

After showering and getting changed, I headed down to the throne room. I had a lot of duties, like deciding on the fate of various prisoners, acting as a judge for various crimes, and organising things like the Blue Moon Festival or the Spring Trials. After all of that, I headed towards the training fields and trained with the Night Warriors, doing the rigorous exercises and routines, finishing it all off with a long run around the pack. I finished the day in my office, doing various bits of paperwork.

"King, Miss Dimitri is here to see you," my assistant said through the half opened door. I nodded at her and she shut the door. It wasn't shut for long before it was flung open by my oh so theatrical mate.

"That is your fucking secretary?" she asked, an eyebrow raised. "Bit tits, gorgeous, blonde, tiny waist I could probably fit one hand around... is your fucking secretary. I don't even want to know the amount of times you have shagged in this room, I feel like it needs a deep clean or something. If I had a black light it would be glowing like a disco ball I bet."

"Are you done?" I asked, leaning back in my chair, smiling over at her.

"Not quite," she continued to go on a mindless ramble, going off on about a hundred different tangents, before plopping down in one of the chairs, sighing in exhaustion. "I really hope you haven't shagged on this chair."

"Firstly, I have not shagged my assistant. Secondly, I did not choose her for her looks, I chose her because she had the best resume. Thirdly, the only person I will be shagging all over this office is going to be you," I knew my eyes had gone slightly darker there, and were probably flickering between glowing and not considering my instincts were pushing me to grab my mate and take her right here, right now.

"Shut up you will not be shagging me, we aren't even mates," she folded her arms over her chest.

"Are you fucking with me right now?" I said, my voice laced with venom as I stared at her. "You want to challenge our mateship?"

"I said what I said," she huffed, standing up and skipping out of the room. I reached the door before she did though, and I stood in front of it, staring her down.

"Repeat it," I challenged.

"We aren't mates," she said defiantly, not moving her gaze from me. In one swift movement I had her over my shoulder and I was walking out of the door. I told my assistant I wouldn't be back for a while, and she nodded her head at me.

"Stop talking to your stupid assistant," growled Arabella.

"Jealous?" I teased.

"Yeah, because I want to shag your assistant." That made me growl now, and I continued the journey to our room, all the while with a low rumble in my chest.

"Hey Alpha I need to- what is going on here?" asked Logan.

"I'll be down in a second," I growled.

When I got back to our room, I threw her onto one of the arm chairs and put one of my arms either side, trapping her in. I leant so that my face was right next to her face, and we were staring eachother down. "I won't back down," she said, her eyes switching from looking at one of my eyes to the other.

"Well I won't accept that you don't think we are mates," I growled.

"What even is a damned mate?" she growled back at me.

"The person the moon goddess destines you to be with, you know that."

"So it doesn't automatically mean you get to shag me."

"I never said it did."

"You implied it."

"I was flirting," I said, frustrated.

"Well, you're bad at flirting."

"You aren't much better."

"I haven't flirted with you," she scoffed.

"Because you can't," I whispered, teasing her.

"I can, and I will, I'll show you," she raised her eyebrow at me.

"Will you now?" I raised my eyebrow back at her.

"Yes, I think I saw one of your fit Night Warriors around here, one sec," she tried to get up, I growled and pushed her back down.

"You will not flirt with anyone who isn't me."


"You're my mate, mine."

"What is a mate again?" she asked, knowing she was riling me up.

"When you want to stop acting like a child, you know where to find me," I stated, before turning and leaving the room.

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