Chapter 31

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Arabella Dimitri

I had only been gone for five months, five blissful, peaceful months, before I was drawn back into reality. I had been missing Nicholas since the moment I left, as well as my brother, Logan, Obi, Chase, Owen and Skye, especially Madison, even Nicholas' parents and brothers. I missed the Kingdom, and the market, the parks, the horses, the views, everything. I was a selfish idiot for leaving.

I didn't have too much to take back with me, as I didn't arrive with anything at all. There were a couple of souvenirs I wanted to take though, and give out as presents, and I also packed some food and water for the journey, as I was pretty far away from the Kingdom of Werewolves now.

It was a long journey back, taking just over a week to get back to my cave, where I decided I would sleep before doing the last trek back to the Kingdom. It felt weird being back there, yet I rarely missed this part of my life, I was instead so looking forward to the next chapter, that I would be opening with Nicholas, and beginning my new life with him. Gone was the Arabella that slept in a cave. I just hoped he wasn't going to be too angry.

I decided that perhaps I just quickly check up on some of the Werewolf News, so that I wasn't completely out of the loop when I rejoined society. I sat on my bed and flicked open my laptop, typing in WWN into the bar. The first story, and the main story, almost made me vomit. 'Impending Attack on the Werewolf Kingdom by the Blue Crescent Pack'. I couldn't believe what I was reading. That scummy pack that previously kidnapped Madison and Logan, and Jessica, whose Gamma was a rapist and jailed the woman who came out and told everyone so, were the people who put my brother and friend into a coma, tried to kill me, and were now trying to kill my family, my friends and my mate? It boiled my blood, to the point where I had to stop reading. I grabbed one of my spare phones from a drawer and dialled Seth's number, practically begging him for help in this war.

"Of course Gorgeous, you know I would do anything for you," he said down the phone, and I did a little happy dance.

The next phone call was to Damien, also begging him for help, and of course he also replied that he would do anything for me too. I had such good friends, well, exes...

I met up with both Damien and Seth, and their respective armies, just a couple of miles away from the border of the Kingdom. We could see the Blue Crescent Army approaching, and we could see the Alpha King's army also coming together and joining from the other side.

There, in the middle of it all, was Nicholas, my mate, looking ravishing in all of his armour and gear, and like he had been non-stop working out for the past five months. All I wanted to do right now was to jump him, and have him fuck my brains out, but first I had to get rid of this stupid army. On my signal, the vampire army and the Rouge pack's army, led by Seth and Damien, followed me as I ran as full speed into the fields where the war had just begun.

It was lethal and it was brutal, and it kind of looked like the Kingdom of Werewolves was being slightly overpowered. As we burst into the clearing, a lot of attention was drawn to us. I made direct eye contact with my brother, and gave him a subtle wink, he just beamed back at me in response. I also looked at Nicholas, who was looking at me as though I was some kind of mirage. I smiled at him, and ran to his side, turning the wolf that was about to attack him off guard into a pile of ash. I gave him a quick nudge, and he was back to fighting mode.

Pretty soon I was bored. This war had gone on for long enough. With very little casualties on our side, it was time to end this once and for all. I grabbed my brother's hand and gave it a squeeze and I said to him, "Just like mum and dad taught us?" He knew instantly what I was talking about, and gave me a nod of approval.

The two of us ran forwards into the crowd. Jason used his powers of controlling the wind to push back all of the Blue Crescent Pack's army, whilst I used my powers of controlling the earth to make a giant crack in the earth, that went right down to lava, splitting Jason and I and the Blue Crescent Pack from the Kingdom of Wolves, keeping them safe from what was about to happen.

We rained torment on them. I used my powers of controlling the earth and plants to make giant vines grow through different people, with vines coming out of their mouths or eyes or ears. Some vines ripped werewolves apart limb by limb. Some vines wrapped around the wolves and dragged them deep under the ground, others snapped necks. Jason used his powers of controlling water to create water bubbles around some of the werewolves heads to drown them, whilst he froze others in ice cubes, and I used my vines to smash the ice cubes apart. Finally, I used my powers of controlling fire to burn each and every one of them into ashes, which were blown away by the wind that Jason generated.

I finished my party trick by causing the crack in the earth to seal itself up, and I turned around to face the Kingdom of Werewolves' army. As though some kind of alarm went off, each and every one of them dropped to their knees in front of myself and my brother, crossing one hand over their chest, in a position that said they respected us, and were now loyal to us. Even Nicholas knelt, but he didn't keep his eyes off me for a second.

When they all stood up again, Nicholas still had his eyes on me, and I had my eyes on him. I knew he wanted me to stay, and that he was worried I was going to leave now and finish my year away from him. The ball was completely in my park, and so I did what I should have done a long time ago.

With meaningful strides, I went straight over to Nick, so that I was standing in front of him, and he was towering over me, because he was ridiculously tall. He looked unsure, as he had no idea what I was planning on doing, but it soon became obvious when I ripped apart his armour with my bare hands, and tore his undershirt, leaving his chest and neck completely exposed. I elongated my teeth, and stood on my tiptoes, so that I could reach his neck. I kissed his neck until I found the point that made him breathe in sharply, and then I bit down hard, piercing his skin with my canines, marking him as mine, and triggering the mate bond, that I had paused, to restart again. As soon as I felt the mate bond, the marking process became even more sensual and intimate, and at that point I wished that I hadn't done it in front of everyone. I think Nick knew that, and sent out a warning growl, for everyone to turn away from the scene that was happening. He didn't waste a moment though, and soon his teeth were in my neck, and he was marking me as his. He kept his teeth in there a little while longer, and I knew it was a slight punishment for me leaving, but I was prepared to take it. "I want you, Nick, now," I said to him impatiently, trying to pull off the rest of his clothes, so horny for him I would fuck in the middle of this field. He growled lowly in return.

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