Chapter 29

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Arabella Dimitri

It had been four days since I woke my brother and Obi up from their comatose state, and since I had told Jason I was planning on leaving at some point soon. My plan was already formed in my head, and bits were already set in motion. I also gathered that Jason had not told Logan yet, otherwise Nick would know, and I would be chained to his bed and probably marked by now. Luckily, we aren't at that stage yet.

However, Obi and Chase have been more annoying than ever. There have only been two more attempts on my life, in the last four days, and they are acting like as soon as I leave their sight I will be assassinated or kidnapped or something. They seemed to have forgotten both attempts, I killed the person attacking me myself. I don't know if that helped my case or not.

If it isn't Obi and Chase following me around, it's Logan or Nick, sometimes even Owen and Skye, the gammas. Skye is a lovely girl, she really is, and we seemed to have gotten close recently, after travelling all the way to The Unknown and back, but now I feel like the only reason she wants to hang out with me is to keep an eye on me, and it makes me want to hang out with her less.

If I didn't have enough enemies, I made a couple more today. All I wanted to do was go to the kitchens and get some food, because I was starving. I didn't know there would be three wolf-sluts there, who seemed to want to fight me about everything.

"I introduce to you Brittany, Ophelia and Gracie," Skye said to me, as we walked out of the kitchen, away from them. If I had it my way, I would have broken the other two's noses as well, but I was dragged away before that could happen. "I think it's their life's mission to sleep with as many warriors as they can."

"Don't they have mates?" I asked.

"If they do, I've never met them," she answered.

"Has Nicholas slept with any of them?" I asked. "Not that I care," I added quickly.

"It isn't really my place, but, seeing as you don't care at all..." she winked at me, "I think maybe Ophelia, not sure about Grace, definitely Brittany."

"Oh, so all of them," I said, slightly seething.

"I thought you didn't care," she raised an eyebrow at me.

"I don't," I clenched my jaw, and my hands, to stop myself from running in there and giving them all matching black eyes, and matching missing throats. Maybe matching missing limbs...

"Owen slept with Gracie, before he met me," Skye told me. I am definitely breaking her nose soon. "Believe me, we argued about it a lot. Then I realised I was better than them all, and Owen only wanted me, so I had nothing to worry about."

"Sounds good for you," I grumbled.

"Alpha only wants you too, you should hear him when he talks about you, and the way he looks at you, believe me, he isn't interested in anyone else," she tried to reassure me. It went all out the window when we turned the corner, and saw Nicholas talking to one of the wolf-sluts. I wanted to tear the hand that was placed on his arm into tiny little pieces and scatter them all over the castle walls so that everyone knew not to mess with me, or him. Unfortunately I don't think that is allowed... yet.

As soon as Nicholas noticed us, he locked eyes with me, his face lighting up. "Arabella, I was just looking for you," he said, starting to make his way over to me.

"Oh really, you look busy?" I said, with a cold tone to my voice. I could see it affected him when his eyebrows furrowed slightly.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine Nicholas," I folded my hands over my chest. I wanted to rip the annoying look on that wolf-girls face right off it, but again, probably not allowed.

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