Chapter 37

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"What are you doing?!" a shouting voice woke me up. "Get out, now, leave, you can't be in here! Go!" I squinted my eyes open to see Madam Ponselle practically chasing a half-naked Nicholas around the room, shooing him away. "You will see her when she walks down the aisle and not a moment before, leave!" Then she turned to me, and I was faced with her wrath. "Missy, you weren't supposed to drink this much. We only have 3.4 hours to turn you from hungover chicken brat into blushing bride! Let's go," she chased me out of bed and into the giant bathroom, where there were four maids ready to bathe, shave, shampoo, condition and everything else me. It was a little weird, but I got over it pretty quickly.

"Here," a maid came in, handing me some pills and water.

"No, no, no," Skye said, also walking into the bathroom, holding a tray of margaritas. "I made them extra strong."

"Skye, I'm hungover," I laughed at her.

"Look, the best way to not be hungover is to not stop being drunk. Here you go," she passed it to me. I took one sip and pulled a horrified face, it was disgustingly strong, but not too bad after another four sips...

"Don't tell me you're drunk again!" Madam Ponselle sighed, pushing my shoulders down so I was sitting in one of the many makeup chairs, with my five girls all beside me, getting the same treatment (and scolding).

"I'm not drunk again," I held my hands up, hiccupping in the middle of that statement.

"You are impossible."

Exactly 3.4 hours later, after I had awoken, I was stood in front of the giant doors to the cathedral, completely buzzing from the caffeine boost I had just had (thanks to Amber), and ready to race it down the aisle. "Hold it tiger," chuckled William, Nick's dad, who was going to be walking me down the aisle. "There's a couple to go before you."

Princess Madison was first down the aisle, as the flower girl, looking completely adorable in the dress Madam Ponselle had created for her. Then there were my bridesmaids and Nick's groomsmen. Firstly, there was Logan and Jason, Logan of course being Nick's best man. After that was Skye and Owen, followed shortly by Chase and Amber and then Obi and Jessica. Finally, there was me. I got the go ahead by one of the many wedding planners, and the doors opened up wide. In that moment I felt like all the caffeine had disappeared, I wasn't tipsy either, no, I took in every moment of my surroundings.

I slowly walked down the aisle, clutching William's arm tightly, as I really didn't want to fall. I smiled at all of the guests, many of whom I knew, with only a handful of those that I didn't, mainly ones from other packs who had come for the occasion. Then my eyes focused on Nicholas, my gorgeous, dashing Nicholas, standing there at the altar, ready to take this next step in our future together, as was I. I swear I saw a tear drop down his face, but he would never admit it. When we reached the altar, William passed my hands over to Nick's, and clapped his son on the back, before joining his wife on the first row.

The actual wedding itself went by like a blur. We said our vows, promising to be there for eachother no matter what, to stay loyal to eachother and to put the needs of the other first. Then we said, 'I do', and finally we kissed. Hand-in-hand we walked back down the aisle, to the hoots and cheers of our friends and family, and made our way to our wedding chambers in the castle.

Whilst everyone made their way to the wedding reception that was going to be held in the castle, Nicholas and I were fucking eachother, hard, for the first time as a married couple. As you may have guessed already, he also re-marked me, for the third time now, and I re-marked him right back. "I love you so much Arabella," he spoke to me as we started the second round, this time making passionate love to eachother.

"I love you too Nick," I said back, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

After everyone had arrived at the reception, we made our grand entrance, I threw the bouquet, which was caught by none other than my brother, Jason, and we ate amazing dishes prepared by amazing chefs. Nick and I made the rounds, he introduced me to the Alphas, Lunas, Betas and more of all of the different packs, who congratulated us dearly. I introduced him to Remus and Seth Nostro, the Vampire King and his son. He knew them already, but not on the same level that I knew them. "Who's this?" I asked Seth, indicating to the woman that was clinging onto his arm.

"Ah yes, this is Charlene, my wife on weekdays, at the moment," he gestured to her. I will never understand vampires and their relationships with eachother, and I am so glad I don't need to.

"My beautiful daughter," Remus grabbed my face and kissed me on each cheek. "I knew that you would end up with a hunk one day, and if not Queen of Vampires, Queen of Werewolves is okay too!"

"Seth is my ex," I informed Nick, who tensed up slightly, and decided that would be the right moment to begin glaring at Seth. Stupid possessive wolves.

"I love wolves, you are all so possessive, it is so funny," laughed Remus, more to himself, "Strix! I'm going to need some more cocktails over here, and for the lady!" Remus was such a sweet man, unfortunately I had to drag Nick away before he decided to declare war on vampires because of my past with Seth.

"You invited your ex to your wedding?" Nick asked me.

"There's nothing between us!" I defended myself. He just huffed in response. At least that argument was short.

We greeted Leopold, the current Rouge Alpha, as well as his new wife, Quinn. Damien and Emily were also present, and we briefly said hi to them. Even Sylvaria Sharpe was in attendance, getting side eyes from everyone and being completely avoided, but she didn't seem to mind. She gave me all her well-wishes and a little present too; a necklace which apparently used to belong to my mother. I almost started crying, and pulled her into a giant hug. She wasn't as strong as me though, her tears freely falling, happy to see her best friend's daughter so happy, and sad that my mother couldn't be there to see me, or my father couldn't have been there to give me away.

Even Pearce and Haley were there, the two werewolves we had saved from the Blue Crescent pack when we saved Logan, Jessica and Madison. Haley was actually pregnant, expecting twins, I was so happy for them.

"I want kids," Nicholas randomly said to me as we were slow dancing on the floor.

"So do I..." I drifted off, confused about where he was getting at.

"Seeing Haley pregnant, made me realise I want to get you pregnant, now," he growled lowly into my ear, and I could tell he was hard right now.

"Baby, let's give it a bit of time first okay?" I reasoned with him. "We will have kids when the time is right." He just huffed in response.

"Can I still fuck you tonight?" he asked, looking like a kid in a candy shop, he really was adorable.

"You can make love to me, yes," I corrected his language.

"I love you," he kissed me.

"I love you too," I chuckled in between kisses.

The coronation was a similar affair, although this time we walked down the aisle together, it was much more regal, there was no drinking until after, and the crown was super heavy on my head. Walking down the aisle today was the hardest part though, as for some reason being married to me, and being able to call me 'Mrs Queen Arabella Anderson', really got Nicholas going last night, and so what was supposed to be just making love to eachother, turned into him fucking my brains out until the early hours of the morning, leaving me barely able to walk today. He knew it too, based on the constant smirks he was giving me, he looked proud of himself too, the dirty fucker.

"You're going to get it tonight," I murmured to him, as one of the Elders said a bunch of words declaring me Queen of Werewolves or something.

"I don't doubt it," he murmured back, before we were indicated to stand up, towering over everyone, our crowns and jewels and robes a sure sign that we were their King and Queen, and everyone fell to the floor in submission to us.

"I could get used to this," I smiled over at him.

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