Chapter 6

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Arabella Dimitri

We all woke up around the same time, due to the sunlight pouring through the entrance of the cave. I stood up and relit the fire with my powers, as it had gone out at some point in the night, and it was still fairly cold. "Alright, we need breakfast," I said to the crowd.

"I'll go with some people, you stay here Ari and work out the next part of the plan," Jason suggested. I nodded my head in acceptance of idea. He left the cave pretty soon after that with Damien. Pearce was still pretty weak and injured, and the run yesterday had taken a lot out of him, Haley was also weak and injured, Madison was too young and probably not safe to go out, and Jessica didn't want to leave Madison alone, which was understandable.

I figured one of the next parts of the plan should be healing all of the injured. "Come here," I gestured to Madison, who was busy poking the stony ground with a stick. She looked up, nervously, and then turned to look at Jessica, who smiled warmly and nodded as if to say it was okay. With Jessica's confirmation, Madison stood up and came and sat next to me. "What did they do to you?" I asked.

"Um... I have a few burns, cuts, scrapes..." she answered nervously.

"Is that the same for all you guys?" I asked, looking at the other three. They nodded their heads.

"Alright, one second." I got up and left the cave, grabbing a handful of soil, and then I walked back in, putting the soil on the ground. I put both of my hands on the soil and imagined certain herbs and plants growing from the soil.

"Woah," I heard Madison say.

"What... how?" I heard Jessica say in awe. Pearce and Haley had similar reactions.

"This," I pointed to a large leafed plant, plucking some of the leaves off it, "will help with any bruises." I rubbed the plant together slightly to release some of the juices. I handed some leaves to Pearce and Haley, as well as Jessica. I showed them what to do with the leaves, and then I demonstrated how to apply them onto some of Madison's bruises, attaching them with some bandages from the first aid kit in the bag we picked up yesterday. I did the same to my brother's mate, Logan. His were the worst.

"This," I grabbed another plant, "this is for burns." I grabbed the plant and used my claw to rip it open, releasing the goo-like substance from inside it. I grabbed a large flat stone from somewhere in the cave and put all of the goo on the flat stone, then I applied it to Madison's burns, and Logan's. Once I was finished, I passed the stone over to the next person.

"Finally," I grabbed another large leafed plant, "this should go on your cuts." I passed some round again, after applying it to Logan's and Madison's wounds. Most of Logan's back was all cut up; it looked like he had been whipped a lot. I was also fairly sure he was pumped full with wolfsbane, to prevent him from healing, and to make him weak.

The final plant I grew was sage. Once I lit it on fire, I blew it out, and let the smoke drift into Logan's lungs. Sage is supposed to counteract the effects of wolfsbane.

"Thank you so much," Jessica was the first to say, followed by words of appreciation from everyone else.

"How can you do that?" asked Madison, grabbing my hands and inspecting them.

"Watch," I said, opening my palm and showing her my empty palm. I imagined a daisy forming in my palm, and just like that it appeared. I put it in her hair and she giggled softly. Jessica mouthed a 'thank you' to me.

"Hey, can I have a rose?" asked Pearce. I shrugged my shoulders and made him one, passing it over to him. "I know we met in shitty circumstances, and it's been pretty hard. I am so sorry for how you have been treated, and believe me, it was hell watching and hearing it. I love you, Haley, and I hope now we are out of that god-awful place we can blossom as mates, and once we find safety, we can go on a date. This is the first of many flowers and gifts I will shower you with," he handed the rose to Haley, who was blushing and tearing at the same time. They kissed softly, and it was really quite romantic and sweet. Maybe having a mate wouldn't be too bad... who am I kidding? It would be awful, it just looks okay on the surface.

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