Chapter 24

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Arabella Dimitri

It happened yesterday. My brother was stabbed with a knife, coated in wolfsbane and some other substance. The wolfsbane did some major damage, but the other substance paralysed him. The labs in the hospital were still working on whatever it was, but they had absolutely no idea, they had never seen it before.

"If we can't work out what it is from the labs, we need to find the person who bloody soaked the knife in it and get them to tell us what it is," I growled, pacing the room where the Royal council had assembled.

"Does anyone know anything?" commanded Nicholas, only to be met by shaking heads.

"Your highness', the Night Warriors that brought Sir Jason to the hospital are here," one of the butlers informed us. Nicholas nodded for them to be sent in. There were two of them, they stood side by side with their arms straight down their sides.

"At ease," Nicholas said, and they moved into a more relaxed stance, their hands clasped behind their backs. "Tell me your account of things."

"Sir Jason Dimitri was just leaving the florist in town, four men approached him, said some nasty words to him. I think one made a play for the flowers, and Jason twisted the man's arm. That's what alerted us to him," explained one of the men.

"Sir Jason said it was nothing he couldn't handle, but we told the men they'd be getting a summoning to the council, to explain," the other one continued.

"A couple minutes later, we heard the pained cry of Sir Jason, rushed to help him. I stayed with Sir Jason, Finn ran after the man, but he disappeared into thin air."

"Did you recognise the man?" asked Logan, who up until now had been sat in the corner, head in hands, growling constantly, just waiting until the moment he could strike and kill whoever did this to his mate.

"Same clothes as one of the men in the group," explained the Night Warrior.

"Do you think you could give the names of each of the men in the group?" asked Logan, who was practically seething with rage, he was clenching and unclenching his fists, itching to get his hands on the people that did this to his mate.

"Yeah, I think so."

As soon as the names were found, there was a search mission for the four men, mainly led by Logan, who was pretty close to going completely animal and off the rails. Nicholas had to keep a close eye on him, constantly bringing him back to some kind of form of sanity. It was ruthless. The Night Warriors tore through the town looking for them, leaving no stone left unturned. I could only watch from the balcony of one of the rooms of the castle, the one with the best view of the town. I was frustrated with Nicholas, as he said my judgement was too clouded and I would just get in the way of the search, yet there he was letting Logan, whose judgement was the most clouded of them all, lead the search. He gave some bullshit excuse about how he 'knows how Logan works'. I called him a couple of names, I told him to go do one, and I was so close to kicking him in the balls, but I refrained.

The search went on for the entire night, and I couldn't sleep a wink. I didn't try though. I just lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, trying to think what the fuck happened, and why.

"You should be sleeping," Nicholas said, walking into the room. I instantly sat up, my senses on high alert.

"Have they found them?" I rushed out.

Nicolas sighed, "they've found them, all four." I jumped out of bed and ran towards the door, ready to beat the living daylights out of the men that hurt my brother. "Arabella, please. It's late. We will interrogate them in the morning, rest, please, I beg you. We will interrogate them in the morning," he pleaded with me. He sounded exhausted, and I felt bad for him, but I still wasn't happy to just let them wait. "Let them stew overnight, they might be ready to talk in the morning after a night in the cell, and you will be on your best form after a good night's sleep."

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