Chapter 30

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Arabella Dimitri

"So you're actually leaving?" Jason said to me, after three days of trying to convince me to stay.

"I need to, you know I need to, we've been over this. You agree with me, a couple months ago you had the exact same mindset. You should be glad I'm even thinking of coming back," I told him again the same thing I had been saying for the last three days. He just grumbled under his breath. He knew I was right, I knew I was right. It was decided.

"I'm going to miss you, a lot," he said as he leant forward and gave me a huge hug.

"I'm going to miss you too. I'll be back."

"What about the people who were trying to kill us?"

"Hopefully they back off now I'm gone."

"What if I need you?"

"You'll be able to find me," I reassured him.

With that, I turned and left through the door that led into the vegetable garden. As I walked, I made sure my scent was turned off, and I covered my tracks, which was pretty easy considering I had the powers to control the earth. The only thing I took with me was the red potion from Sylvaria Sharpe and the clothes on my back; I figured that I could buy or find, or steal, everything else that I might need.

Leaving the Kingdom of the Wolves was surprisingly easy, as I guess the guards were more trying to keep people from coming in, rather than stopping people from going out. By that evening I was sat on a beach, the rays of sun warming my skin, the sound of the waves gently crashing onto the shore calming me to the core. I was being fed grapes, and handed fresh cocktails every single time I finished my drink, all topped with ice cubes and a lime wedge. This really was the life.

Jason Dimitri

If I thought the growl that my mate produced when he couldn't find me was scary, the growl that the Alpha King produced when he read the note that Arabella had left him, to say she had gone, and that she would be back in a year, was absolutely terrifying. Part of me wanted to run for my life, especially considering the fact that the angry stomps of the Alpha King were headed straight towards me.

Next to me was Logan, who was already on edge, subtly growling, staring straight at the door. I heard each step as it came closer, until the door was flung open, snapping off its hinges in the process. There he was, the Alpha King, completely fuming, growling like a mad man, eyes glowing, almost shifted. "Where. Is. She." He seethed.

"Jace, what did you do?" Logan turned to me. Great. I thought at least my mate would stick up for me, but no, of course that would be way too ridiculous.

"I don't know, she didn't tell me, I swear," I held my hands up.

"He's telling the truth," Logan said to him; we had marked eachother the other day, so we knew when we were lying to eachother. Nicholas just let out another growl at that. "What happened?" Logan asked the two of us.

"She left, gave me this note saying she would be back in a year, she just wanted fucking time to herself. She took some fucking potion to pause our bloody mate bond too," he was absolutely seething at this point. "I am so fucking angry." Then he began destroying things, until Logan had to call in the Gammas and Deltas to help him physically restrain Nicholas and put him in one of the cells, until he had calmed down.

It had now been well over 5 hours, and the growling form the cell where Nicholas was being held was still vibrating the whole castle. I had never seen, or heard, a wolf this angry, and unhinged before. My sister really fucked up on this one. I don't exactly know how we are going to deal with an insane Alpha King for the next year, but we will have to manage somehow...

A couple of days later and things had settled down; Nicholas was released from his cell and was now eerily calm. You know that kind of calm that is actually terrifying because you know they are not calm? That's him right now. The whole castle is walking on eggshells around him as no one wants to be the person who sets off that ticking time bomb.

As far as I know, the Alpha King currently has people looking for Arabella. I know he won't find her; if she doesn't want to be found, she won't be. Secretly I think that Nicholas knows he won't be able to find her either, but he also doesn't want to sit around and wait for the whole year.

Things keep getting worse. I assumed that when Arabella left, things would settle down, but apparently not. It seems like whoever was after us before is using this moment when the Alpha King isn't on top of his game to find holes in our defences, and they get closer and closer to the castle everyday. Luckily, so far, everyone has been caught, and killed publicly, as per tradition for those who want to commit treason. I'm worrying though, and so are many other people.

We found out today that it is the corrupted Blue Crescent pack that has been behind all of the attacks; apparently, they weren't happy with the Alpha King killing their Gamma, and then their Alpha. They have been recruiting rouges, who aren't part of the rouge pack, and training their warriors up. It feels like there is going to be a war or something similar looming.

It's been five months since Arabella left now. There's going to be a war soon, it just depends on whether we strike first, or they do. All I know is it is going to be bloody, as even though we have all of the Night Warriors at our disposal, they have a load of rouges, who wouldn't join the rouge pack, and a fair amount of their own Warriors. So far it is weighted to our side, but who knows what will happen.

The Alpha King is still pretty torn up over the fact that Arabella left, and currently he is trying to distract himself by throwing everything that he has into training and preparing for this war. I just wish she was back, she would know what to do, she could win this war on her own; her powers have always surpassed mine, we could fight side by side again and ruin all the fuckers who want to mess with our happy endings. She probably has no idea about the war though, so I have no hope in her turning up.

I hope wherever she is that she is safe though, and I guess a part of me, and a part of Nicholas, is glad that she won't be put in danger. A bigger part wants her back though.

Two weeks later they attacked. It was early on a Tuesday morning. Our border patrol had spotted them a couple of miles away though, and so we gathered up our forces and met them in the middle of the giant fields that surrounded the Kingdom. There were hundreds of them, and they looked completely feral for the most part. Our warriors all looked put together, strong, terrifying, and insanely loyal, whereas they were feral and psychotic. I didn't know what exactly would happen today, but I just hoped we would be okay.

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