Chapter 38

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Queen Arabella Anderson

I woke up with my head pounding, after the final party of the week ending in complete chaos. There was some kind of crazy person who spiked all of the drinks with vampire liquor (I wonder who that could be... of course either Remus or Strix, on Remus' orders). We all got completely trashed, including Nicholas, who was speaking gibberish for the entire night, and wouldn't let me leave his arms for a second. If I did, he would genuinely start crying like a baby who had its sweets stolen or something. I really wish I got a video of it.

"It's Christmas!" yelled Madison, jumping onto our bed, completely alerting me, and waking Nicholas up from his deep slumber. "I'm going to see what Santa got me," she squealed, running out of the door she came in.

"Remind me why we're here," grumbled Nick, throwing his head into the pillow. For Christmas, we decided it would be nice to all go to the holiday castle located a short distance away from the Kingdom of wolves, so that we would all be together, and in close proximity. He was clearly regretting it already.

"Come on big boy," I shook his shoulders, "let's get you in the bath."

It seemed like Madison had woken up the entire rest of the castle, as in the kitchen sat everyone, all looking just as hungover, practically chugging coffee. "Oh, I'm gunna need four of those," Nick said, taking the nearest seat and collapsing in it.

"Come on guys, where is the Christmas spirit?" I tried to cheer everyone up form this gloomy, half-dead thing that was going on right now.

"How are you so awake? We just drank vampire liquor!" groaned Amber, putting her head on the table.

"I've drank a lot of that stuff," I laughed, "and I know the best hangover cure for it." I quickly gathered the ingredients and started to make the breakfast that Remus cooked for me after my first hangover on vampire liquor, adding the special secret ingredients, and presenting it to everyone. It was finished in seconds, greedy wolf people, but like a switch you could see them suddenly perking up.

"I'm going to need some more of that," Christopher rubbed his sore head.

"You get what you're given," growled Nicholas, "thank my wife," he demanded.

"Um, thank you Arabella," Chris said quickly, looking quite scared, as would many people on the wrong side of Nick, he was just grumpy this morning though, because we didn't have sex last night or this morning, and since we first had sex he hasn't wanted to stop. I haven't wanted to stop either to be honest, but I'm also more sensible than him, he is an Alpha male, and a King at that, and his instincts to mate me at the moment, and put a baby in me, are far higher than to be actually be an alpha. We've both agreed we aren't having kids yet though, much to his annoyance, although I can feel I'm going to be on my heat sometime soon.

After everyone had eaten their food, which was a little different to the 'Christmas breakfast' that was originally planned, by whoever was planning this Christmas day, we all went to our respective rooms and got ready for the day. It was Nick's idea that we all cook Christmas dinner ourselves, so we all piled into the kitchen and awaited our roles. Even though Nick made us do this, he was the most useless, giving the head chef position to literally anybody else who would take it.

In the end, it was Elena, the ex-Queen of Werewolves, who stepped up, ordering us all around the kitchen. "Right, Owen and Skye, you two are on the starter, the recipe is over there, ingredients are around. William, dear, you're on the dessert with Christopher and Noah, there's three that we are going to do, you only need to do the first couple of steps though, I'll direct you," Elena pointed at that lot, and they went off to another part of the kitchen starting their various tasks.

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