Chapter 21

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King Nicholas Anderson

She took my breath away, quite literally it got stuck in my throat. I watched her as she scanned the room, taking in every intricate detail, really analysing the place. I really hoped that it was up to her standards. As she scanned the room, she settled her eyes on the throne I was sat on, looked at the smaller ones, then her eyes travelled to me, down to my garments, up to my crown, and then down again, so she was staring directly at me, and me at her.

At times like this I wished I could read her mind. Most times I wished I could read her mind. I wondered what was going on in there, what kind of internal battles she was fighting, what kind of internal battles she had won, what she had lost, and everything in between. I wanted to know her.

We seemed to have fun when we were together, We would often laugh and joke around, and I always would feel in those moments like I hadn't a care in the world, but I didn't feel like I knew her, I didn't know her struggles, I didn't know her deepest darkest secrets, her pet peeves, her guilty pleasures, what she did on a day she was sick, what she did when she was bored.

Although I was happy to have the jokes, and the flirting, I wanted to know her deeper. I guess I have to take what I am given, Arabella is the kind of person who will tell you something if she wants to, there is no coaxing it out of her, that much I know.

I did a quick scan of the room and noticed a few of the unmated males were looking at my Arabella, for slightly too long, and with supposed intentions that I didn't appreciate. A low growl from me, clearly heard by the entire room, soon cause their gazes to quickly avert. I looked back at Arabella, who was now staring at me with a raised eyebrow, and her hand on her hip, looking less than impressed. I mouthed a 'sorry' and she just rolled her eyes at me. That damned woman.

"You are quite the possessive one aren't you," she said as she walked over to me.

"Only because you're mine," I answered truthfully.

"Oh, so I am yours now?" she asked playfully.

"You have always been mine," I scoffed.

"You're funny when you're annoyed, you get that little vein in the side of your head that ticks, it's funny," she laughed. Her laugh was contagious, and soon I was breaking out into a smile of my own.

"Arabella, I'd like you to meet my mother and father, Elena and William Anderson," I gestured towards my parents who had come over to us. Arabella smiled politely and greeted them.

"Thank you for saving my little Madison," my mother said, taking one of Arabella's hands with two of her own.

"It's no problem," she smiled at my mum.

"This is Noah and Christopher, my brothers, and you already know Madison," I introduced her to the rest of the family, who had just arrived.

"I didn't know your mate was so hot," Chris, my twenty year old brother, whispered in my ear, although the whole group could hear him anyway. I growled a warning at him, whilst my mother and father gave him a glare, Noah just laughed, and Madison was oblivious, she just wanted a cuddle from Arabella, don't we all Madison, don't we all...

"Arabella, come get a drink with me," my mother offered. She smiled and went with her. When the two of them were gone, I punched Chris in the arm, who yelped in pain slightly.

"What was that for?" he asked, rubbing his arm.

"Because you're a prick," I growled.

"Niccy, don't hurt Chrissy," pouted Madison. I picked her up, spun her round and put her on my hip, as she giggled like a maniac.

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