Chapter 34

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King Nicholas Anderson

The bonfire was the same as it was every year, in terms of set up, but this time I had my mate, and my queen by my side. That's why I didn't mind too much about missing it, as I had been to one every year since I had been born. I knew I had to go for Arabella though, and so I did, regretfully.

I was trapped in some meaningless conversation with a couple of the elders, but my mind was far away. I kept glancing over to where Arabella was; in a deep conversation with my beta. I got jealous for a brief second, before my brain rationalised it and I knew that there was nothing to be jealous of; I couldn't help it though, my animal instincts wanted no other male around her, and to some extent even females. I had to push those instincts down a lot of the time. "My King?" I heard one of the elders say to me, drawing me back into their conversation, and so I tore my eyes away from Arabella and continued to speak to them.

A couple of minutes later I heard a pained scream coming from one of the forests, followed by a grunt, sounding somewhat like my mate. But it couldn't be her, she was just... I scanned the crowd looking for her, and when I saw no sign, I raced into the forest, followed by my men, all on high alert for whatever we were about to find.

There, lying on the ground, was my mate, who had obviously been stabbed in the back by Ophelia, who was lying next to her with her throat ripped out. I ran to Arabella, checking her pulse and her breathing, which was present but barely there. "Get the doctor," I growled out, not knowing who I was talking to, only knowing I needed to get her help as soon as possible. The doctor, who was also present at the bonfire, arrived quickly and began examining Arabella. As much as I wanted to rip the doctor's hands off my Queen, I knew that would do more damage than good, and I had to let her do her thing with her. It still angered me, and I clenched my fists until my knuckled were white to prevent me from doing so.

At least the doctor was a female, when other doctors and paramedics arrived at the scene, some of them were male, and when they dared lay a finger on her, I let out a menacing growl, causing everyone in the clearing to submit to me. "Get. Your. Hands. Off. Her," I seethed.

"Nicholas, you need to calm down," I heard Logan saying to me, but I was too obsessed with ripping apart the male paramedic to care.

I soon found myself locked in one of the cells. The same one I was locked in before, when Arabella left me those couple of months ago. Logan said it was for Arabella's health and safety, as he knew my animal instincts were in complete control, and I wanted the only person touching her to be me, I wanted to lick her wounds clean and cuddle up to her, I wanted, at that point, to tear apart any man even laying eyes on her, let alone the male surgeon that was currently doing anything he could to save her. "Did you tell them I would kill their whole family if something happens to my Arabella?" I asked Logan.

"Of course I did," Logan replied.

Logan Gallagher

Of course I did not tell the surgeons that the Alpha King would kill their entire families if something happened to Arabella. They were under enough pressure as it is operating on the Queen, their hands didn't need to be shaking anymore than they were if they knew what would happen if something went wrong.

Restraining the Alpha King and getting him into a cell was harder this time than any other time before, and we basically had to weaken him with drugs to even have a hope of doing it. He was now safely in his cell though, and I could deal with everything else that was going on without him going on some kind of rampage. I knew Arabella was still in surgery, so I had time to round up every witness and find out what else there was to the story.

I quickly found Gracie and Brittany, two thirds of the group commonly known as the 'wolfsluts', with the other third of their group currently lying in the morgue with her throat ripped out. They looked like they were packing their whole life together in an attempt to try and get out of the Kingdom. They were swiftly dragged kicking and screaming into the dungeons, where I left them to sit and brew for a couple of hours, in case they were willing to give up information easier after mulling for a bit.

After an hour of letting them stew, and another hour of extracting every piece of information out of them, with the help of Keaton, the leader of the Night Warriors, I thought I knew everything. Yet, when I ordered for the next group of people that were tangled in the story to come in, and they were tortured till they explained everything, I found out even more. "Let me have a fucking go," Jason stormed into the room for the fifth time, trying to have his turn at torturing the people who had a hand in what happened to his sister. Each time I turned him away, but I had a feeling this time he wasn't going away

"Jace, baby, right now we need to focus and find the truth, then when that's all over you can do whatever you like to them okay? But we need them alive and we need to be able to talk to them," I grabbed his shoulders and spoke to him, really trying to communicate across my message, whilst his murderous gaze was fixated on the group of people tied up to the chairs behind me. "Arabella is going to be out of surgery soon, and if she wakes up you don't want her to be alone in that hospital room do you?" I asked him. That snapped his attention back to me.

"No," he mumbled. Knowing that I was right, he turned on his heel and left the way he came, most likely heading straight to the hospital to try and see his sister.

Once I was then sure of the story, and exactly what had happened, I went to the cell where Nicholas was being held and informed him. He was scarily quiet, taking in everything. "Ophelia rejected her mate a couple years ago, wanting to be with you, and so she tried, and you slept with her, but you never took her as your Queen. Her mate became completely unhinged, and became a very nasty man, raping girls in his pack and doing a number of ungodly things. He was the ex-Gamma of Blue Crescent. That's one of the main reasons why blue Crescent wanted to kill you, because you 'stole' their Gamma's mate. As a separate point, Ophelia wanted you still, and when your mate came into the picture she would do anything to get rid of her, even if it meant teaming up with her old mate. When Arabella left, she thought she was finally able to get you, but lo and behold Arabella came back. Tonight was a last stitch attempt to get rid of Arabella, helped by five members of the pack, Brittany, Gracie, a man called Walter (who personally wanted to keep Arabella's body and do awful things to it), a man called Clive and the man everyone calls Hook. The five of them are tied up in the dungeons, awaiting their punishment and subsequent death."

I knew it was a lot for Nicholas to take in, and I knew he was completely fuming, but trying to keep it together so we wouldn't think he was completely unhinged and we might let him out. I have known Nicholas Anderson for years though, and I knew when he was close to snapping and going on a rampage, and right now was one of those times.

"And how is Arabella?" he asked, trying not to let a growl slip, although he did a very bad job of it.

"She is out of surgery, still on meds, still unconscious. Jason and your parents are with her now," I informed him. He nodded and took a seat back on his cell floor, leaning his head back against the wall.

"Can I get out and see her?" he asked, his face scrunched up and pained.

"Not yet, but I can give you a toy to play with," I smirked at him, signalling for one of the guards to open the door and present him with Walter, one of the five in the plan to kill Arabella. I walked out to the screams of Walter, inflicted by our one and only Alpha King, who I knew was going to take his time and play around before finally killing him.

In reality, Walter was just a distraction, so that Nick wouldn't keep asking questions about Arabella. She was in a bad way, and I was told just how bad of a way when I entered the Royal wing of the hospital where she was being kept.

"Currently she is alive, but barely. She is on life support. Her pulse keeps wavering and it is still weak, her oxygen sats and blood pressure are way too low. She lost a kidney too, and we are really hoping her other kidney doesn't start failing because then we would be completely screwed," the doctor informed me, I just nodded in response and ran a hand over my face. "Where is the Alpha King?" he then asked.

"In a cell, dealing with one of the prisoners," I informed him.

"He should be here, even just the presence, or touch of a mate can help the healing process immensely."

"I know that," I growled, not liking to be talked to like I was incompetent. "But he is completely unhinged and I don't want him to go on a rampage."

"I'll talk to him," the ex-Alpha King, William Anderson, placed a hand on my shoulder. "We will get him here," he said to the doctor, who nodded in response. "You need to deal with your mate first, then come with me," he gestured to the waiting area, where Jason was currently pacing back and forth, looking completely mad, tearing his hair out.

"I got it," I said to William.

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