Chapter 25

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King Nicholas Anderson

I was worried about Arabella. I wasn't sure if that was because it was my basic instinct to be worried about her, as she was my mate, or because there actually was something to be worried about. I mean, yesterday was gory, but I've seen things just as bad, if not worse. Has she though?

We got some answers though, one way or another. That was okay for now. "So, we know that a man called 'Hook' gave them the plants. He told them to coat two knives with the oil of the plants, and stab both Arabella and Jason Dimitri at some point. We know that one of the men, Jamie Irving, told Penelope which knife to choose at the fight the other day, so Penelope would choose the one coated in the plants and stab Arabella with it. We also know the four men were paid a lot of money by this man called 'Hook' to carry out the deeds," I explained to the meeting room full of people, as we tried to piece everything together.

"We have since raided the homes of the four men and found in one, concentrated oils of Wolfsbane and the unknown plant, as well as the crushed plants, from the oil collecting process," Owen said, placing them on the table.

"That's Nightwort," Arabella said instantly.

"Nightwort?" Skye, one of my gammas, questioned.

"My mother told me about it once. I should have realised it sooner. She's used it before. She told me all about it, the distinct orange flowers with blue stamens. I'd recognise it anywhere," Arabella explained.

"Did your mother happen to tell you how to reverse the effects?" Skye asked.

Arabella shook her head. "But, I think I know where she got it from. Sylvaria Sharpe." That name sent a shiver down my spine. I am sure many people had a similar reaction; it was obvious on the looks of almost everyone's face. They were terrified.

"Why would Sylvaria Sharpe want to poison the two of you?" asked Logan, my beta.

"She isn't the only source of Nightwort. She'll know how to reverse the effects though. I need to pay her a visit," Arabella announced. There were a couple of gasps around the room.

"No one has seen her in years, she went into hiding at the same time your parents did. She could be dead for all we know. She's untraceable."

"No one is untraceable, and she isn't dead. Well, she wasn't when I saw her six years ago, when she spelled our cave to let no wanderers in," she explained. What the heck have we gotten ourselves into now?


Arabella Dimitri

I had to stay in that meeting room for three hours. Well, I didn't have to, but I wasn't going to be anywhere else. Three hours wasted, when the end conclusion was the one I said right at the start – we needed to go find Sylvaria Sharpe.

They tried thinking of every other avenue, every other option, every other way, but in the end, there was no other option. Nicholas also tried to make it so that I wouldn't have to go on the journey, but we all knew no one else would ever find that witch, and even if by some miracle they stumbled across her, she wouldn't give them squat. Nicholas knew that, and he knew there was nothing he could do about it, so now he was just angry, and grumpy.

For the rest of that day, if anyone wanted to know where Nicholas was, all they would have to do is follow the sounds of him growling and breaking things. He was angry, not just because I had to go on the journey either, but because there was a hit out on me, on his mate, and that made him furious. Wherever he was in the castle though, he was never far from me. He kept coming into the room I was in and checking up on me. At one point, Obi and Chase just 'happened' to want to hang out with me, just by chance, but it was obvious they were sent in there to watch over me.

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