Not Equal

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A/N hello dudes and dudettes. Sorry I've not updated again, in a while. Hope this makes up for it. Did this instead of homework I have to do for tomorrow. Yeah, I'll probably end up doing an all nighter tonight to make up for it. Or maybe not as I'll end up putting it off until early morning. Yeah, I am a big-time procrastinator. Wattpad does that to me. Well, hope you enjoy this chapter and hopefully, more after. See ya!

"So there's no one home to take care of you?", Mr Evans asks Rachael, shocked, as she sits in a chair in the nurses office, with a bucket on her lap. She nods, throwing up again.
"I could take her home", I suggest.
"No no no. You won't. Rachael, is there anyone else who could take you home and look after you?", he asks her.
"Well, Matt could", she tells him.
I was about to suggest Kerry or one of the girls, but remembered that Kerry had the talent show stuff to work on today and the girls were going to help her. So I guess Matt would do.

"Devon, go get Matt and bring him here. Tell his teacher that I told you to", Mr Evans says, and I hesitate.
He gives me a look of reassurance, knowing that I don't want to leave my friend, but I go anyway. Luckily, Matt told me what lesson he had before school started, because he was moaning about it all yesterday and this morning.

I walk to Mr Thomson's class and knock on the door. I open the door and see that everyone is staring at me. This lesson must be even boring than Matt had told me it would be. It looks like they're in the middle of some test.
"Yes?", Mr Thomson asks me.
"Mr Evan told me to get Matt", I explain.
"Okay. How long will he be?", Mr Thomson asks me, before looking to his students that are now talking amongst themselves.
"Get back to work", he tells them all.
"My friend Rachael isn't feeling very well and as her family are away, Mr Evan told me to get Matt to take her home and look after her, so he won't be in for the rest of the day", I tell him.

"Matthew is in the middle of a test. You're her friend, can't you do it?", Sir asks me.
"Believe me, I want to. But, Mr Evan told me that I can't because I have detention", I tell him, still feeling sour about that.
"Ah. Okay", he says to me, turning to Matt.
"Matthew, pack up and come here", Mr Thomson tells him, and Matt does just that, looking a little happy about how he's being taken away from his work, even though he doesn't know what this is about.

Matt walks up to us, confused.
"Go with Devon. She'll explain", Mr Thomson tells him, and we walk out. I explain to him everything on the way to the nurses office. Matt takes Rachael to his car and they drive home. While I have to stay.

"Okay, Devon. You can go back to whichever class you are in now. I will be escorting you from your last class of the day to detention, just to make sure you get there", he tells me, daring me with his eyes to do differently. I nod, turning around, about to go to class.
"Devon?", he calls out to me.
I turn around and walk back to him.
"What was that whole thing about you jumping off your chair to the floor because of a gunshot?", he asks me.

I smile sadly at him, knowing he's never going to know what it's all about.
"It's better to be safe than sorry. A gunshot can do more than kill, Mr Evan", I tell him, before turning and walking off to my next lesson.

At lunch, Kerry is going over her plans for the talent show with the girls in the art room, and they told me that I don't have to keep them from harm from the other students, and that it can just go and get something to eat from the cafeteria. So, here I am. Sat with the boys, eating my apple and drinking my bottle of water that I had refilled from home.
"Devon, did....did that really....happen?", Chris asks me, or tries to as he's still laughing.

"Yeah", I say, sighing.
It wasn't my choice to tell them what happened in first lesson, but news goes around fast. All they are doing now is replaying the video of Rachael and I in class that someone out of our class must have taken at the time. It's gone all around school. It wouldn't surprise me if it went onto YouTube and had a million hits from how many times these people keep watching the damn thing. I admit, it's hilarious. I'm not sure how Rachael is going to react. She might have a fit about it and scream at everyone, she might end up in a fight, she might end up in Juvie for killing the person who took the video, or she might just pass out.

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