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I'm an early person. I like to wake up early because I hate missing so much of the day. But, with that said, this morning isn't going so great. I was awoken at three o'clock in the morning by dad, who had come in and knocked over a few things before he collapsed on the couch. Even when he feel off the couch, he still didn't wake up. I had to clean up his mess, and then I went back to bed for two more hours. Waking up at six, I have a shower and dry off. I put the clothes that Kerry had given me, on. Once they are on, I try to put the make-up on. After several attempts of doing it wrong, I finally get it right. I straighten my hair with the ancient straighteners that I found last night.

Like always, I find him to still be passed out on the carpet. Good thing it's carpet and not wooden flooring.

I eat my apple, and then as my lipstick is smudged, I redo my lipstick. I feel like an experiment gone wrong. The make-up feels like chalk on my face.

I put a glass of water and two paracetamol on the table by the couch that dad fell off. Grabbing my bag, I walk out of the door and towards school. Getting there on time, I walk into school. I don't pay anyone attention, and just walk to my locker, like I always do. I can feel the stares on me, and it feels a little unsettling. I'm supposed to be used to it by now. But, now I know that it isn't the usual reason as to why they're staring.

Putting stuff in my locker and taking my books for this morning out, I see that I have a few minutes to spare. I head towards the music room, opening it up with my key. I shut the door behind me. Looking around at the musical instruments, I decide to play a bit of guitar for today. I tune it, and decide to play Money by Pink Floyd. It's a classic.

I start to sing along, nowhere near as good as Waters and Gilmour.

The bell goes for the start of school, and so I get up, grab my bag, and head for class. I'm the last one in. As soon as I enter the classroom, everyone's staring at me with open mouths.

I start walking to my seat when one of the girls from last night points to the seat beside her, wanting me to sit next to her. I sit down next to her, remembering her name now. Her name is Georgia. She has silky black hair, and from hanging around with her last night, I've found that she isn't all that bad.

The teacher starts the lesson, putting questions for us to solve on the board. She let's us do the task while talking, so Georgia and I just talk as we work. She does most of the talking. I find out that her dad was from Africa, she has a little sister, and she has a dog. Her sister is called Anita, and her dog is called Rover.

After first lesson, I find that I am not sitting in my normal seat, but the seat next to one of the populars. Except from one class that I don't have with any of them. D.T. It's a great subject, but the teacher isn't so great. His name is Mr Lancaster. He is the most boring person I've ever met. Once, he have me a detention for not having a HB pencil, when I had a 2B pencil. Apparently, there is a major difference eternity them.

Lunch swings around and I'm sat at the table again.

"Kerry, I need to talk to you", one of the girls says from across the table. Kerry nods and turns to me.

"Is it okay if you just sit in Angie's seat for today?", Kerry asks, politely, shockingly.

"No prob", I mumble, getting up and moving to the other side.

I've only gotten a few crackers, an orange, a bottle of water and a packet of crisp today. I seriously need to go shopping soon.

"That's all you've got?", a guy asks from beside me, the same one that warned me of the clothes thing yesterday. I look to where he nodded, and find that he means my food.

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