Soccer match and messed-up families

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We drive to Matt's, and find him, James, and Kayleigh all waiting on the drive for us. After saying hello to them, we get back in our cars and follow, one after the other, to the stadium. Mark and I end up talking most of the way there, the music playing in the background, and we get to know eachother a little better. He's a good guy: I can tell. He's one of those people, who you just can't help but admire. He speaks to you like your an equal, although you know deep down, that you aren't. He doesn't lie or deceit, but he won't go out and tell you everything about him- his whole life story.

However, I can't fully believe in what I have just thought, as I still don't know him all that well.


Getting out of the car, we all met up by the side of the car park.

"How long have we got before the match?", James asks Matt.

Matt looks at his very expensive-looking watch.

"About three hours", he says, and everyone moans.

"What shall we do until then?", Mark asks no one in particular.

"Why don't we go get something to eat? I'm starving", Matt suggests, and as if on cue, his belly rumbles loudly.

"I know of a café just around the corner. We could get something to eat there", Kayleigh suggests, and we all follow her there, having to listen to Matt's belly protest as loud as possible. I can't stop yawning all the way there, wishing I had fotten more sleep, but knowing that if I am to carry on with Trey's plan, it is necessary.


In the little café, we all sit down, thinking of what to order, whilst looking at the menu. I am sat between Mark and Matt, whilst James sits on the other sdie of Matt, and Kayleigh sits next to James. Once we've all decided on what to have, Matt stands up.

"I'll go and order for us", he says, and everyone starts laughing.

Did I bang my head against the wall too many times, pass out, and now I'm having weird dreams where people are laughing like lunatics at the simplest things?

"Matt, you can't even remember what you did yesterday", James says, patting him on the back.

We all watch as Matt arguse that he does remember, and when James asks him about what he did yesterday, Matt takes his time to think. I can almost see the wheels in his head, turning.

"Don't worry, Matt. Devon and I will go", Mark says, before standing up.

I follow him up to the counter, and we wait for someone to come and take our orders. A lady, porbably in her early 20's, comes up and smiles at us, a rehearsed smile on her face.

"We'd like two frappachino's: one strawberry, and one caramel. On hot chocolate and a decaf. And for me, a black coffee, two sugars, extra foam", I tell her, as she messes with the small screen, typing away our orders.

"Okay. It'll be ready in a few minutes", she says, and leaves us standing there, waiting.

I yawn again.

"Black coffee. Are you that tired?", he asks me.

"Yep", is all I say, as his question was a dumb one.

He doesn't ask anymore questions about it, as he knows that I don't want to talk about why I'm so tired. I'm glad that he doesn't. The drinks arrive, and we carry them to the table, setting them down and then sitting down ourselves.


After we've finished our drinks , and our food, which we ordered afterwards, we walked out. I had a muffin as they were all out of cheesecake. Can you believe that? No cheesecake! Anyway, Kayleigh takes us all into a shop that sells girly clothes, fashion clothes. They look really expensive, and girly. After seeing so much pink, and flowers, I can't take it anymore. We're all just stood outside the changing rooms, waiting for Kayleigh to finish shopping.

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