I'm A Monster

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✏️Author's Note ✏️
Song- Little Monster by Royal Blood
Hello dudes and dudettes! I'M BACK! Back from my trip to Scotland. And I wish I was still there. It was awesome. Made new friends! And that's shocking for me because normally people walk away from me because I start babbling about really strange things. No joke. And now I have a lot of friends! Not the 'we'll smile at each other in the corridor' kind of way. We talk on Facebook, and we are trying to work out a plan to form a book club that only our group are in. I know. Sounds kind of mean. But none of us want to ruin our special friendships that started in Scotland.

Anyway, this is the next chapter! I have actually finished it all and want to upload all the chapters by the end of the day. So, make your bets, and guess what will happen! Haha.

This chapters from Kerry's point of view. Hope you like it!

Kerry's PoV...

I slide on my shades, and put my key in the ignition.

It shouldn't have been like this. Devon started out so well, and helped us all out. We were friends. But, after the stunts she's pulled, I couldn't stand it. And then the last one, punching Megan, was the last straw.

There's some secrets she's been keeping, and I'm going to find them out and get the old Devon back. Starting with the information.

I park the car in the parking lot, furthest away from the building, pulling my top a little further down. I get out, and start walking. I make my way into the police station and head straight to the desk.
"I need to talk to Police Officer Clark", I tell the guy behind the desk.

"I'm sorry, little girl. He's busy", the guy says.
"Tell him it's Kerry and it's urgent", I say.

I walk into the office and see him sat behind his desk, his feet sitting on his desk.
"Ah, Kerry. My favourite citizen. What can I do for you?", he asks me, looking me up and down, his eyes lingering too long on my legs.


I sit down in the seat opposite him.
"I need Devon White's information", I tell him.
He looks at me, shocked.
"Woah. I don't know what you need that for, but stay away from her. She's bad news", Clark says.

"I want that file, Clark. Get it and I won't tell your 'wife' you two aren't really married and it was a scam wedding", I say with conviction.
"You wouldn't", he says, glaring at me. I lean forward.
"Yes, I would".
He leans back in his chair and rubs his face with his hand.

"Fine. But you have to keep quiet, no one else sees it, and you only get to see it in this room", Clark says.
"Got it", I say, ready to find out what's gotten Devon acting so strange. She needs my help, and I'm not going to let her down.

I just have to know what she's hiding. It can't be that bad, right?
Maybe a small thing. She said that she'd done really bad things in life, but that could mean anything. Stealing things from shops that are worth less than a dollar. Something like that. She might have just over-exaggerated the extremity of her actions.

She might not have anything on this record and it might just be something like she cheated on an old boyfriend and maybe had illegal sex with a 20 year old or something. Maybe even someone who was married.

I am doing the right thing, aren't I?

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