The Day Is Set

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✏️Authors Note✏️

Hi Dudes and Dudettes! So we are very much over half way. Possibly close to the ending now. It's been a long journey for Devon. It's not quite over yet! Probably more than 10 chapters left. But that's just a guesstimate.

I have a brief summary of the ending that I am going to go by. I know exactly how this book will end. I've actually already written the ending of the book. But I'm still working on the prologue. Yes, I got ahead of myself.

If any of you have any questions that you want to ask me about this book, leave a comment or write on my page/wall thingy (I forget what it's called). this chapter is kind of a filler chapter, but does have a few things you will need to know or be suspicious about. Haha.

See ya!

I walk through to the room outside of Trey's meeting room to find everyone already there, including Trey.
"Wow. What happened to you?", Steve asks me, looking amused. Nikki rolls her eyes.
"Nothing. Steve, have you got the-", I start, wanting to get this over with.
Steve cuts me off by throwing me the clothes I asked for over the phone. I catch them with ease.

"I'll be two minutes", I say, walking into the toilet next door and getting changed. I peave my hair sopping and down as I don't have the usual bobble around my wrist. Of course, Kerry told me to take it off before the party at Kayleigh's house. Plus, someone must have taken the clips, and things that held up my hair for the party out after I passed out.

I walk back.
"So are you going to tell us, or are you going to let Steve think dirty thoughts and share them with us?", Nikki says, sounding annoyed. I'm guessing Steve already told them a few guesses at why I came here sopping wet and in a dress.

"I fell into a pond", I tell them.
"Seriously? That's all you're giving us?", Steve asks me, not happy at all.
"Okay. I went to a party. Got in the middle of a fight. Was punched. Passed out. Woke up at a friends house. Had to escape out of the window because my friends parents are strict. Tried to make my way into the next doors garden. Fell into a pond. Happy?", I ask him, not really wanting to go into details for two reasons.

One: Steve will continue with telling us his dirty thoughts and we'll never get this meeting over with. Two: then Trey will know that I have a boyfriend and who knows what Trey will do. Trey has killed plenty of people before now over he smallest of things. If he finds out about Mark, he will kill him.

That's why I am keeping my everyday life and my old, gang life apart.

"Wow. Oh, please say there were kinky bastards in the backyard doing something shocking", Steve pleads with me.
"No. It was a kids birthday party. But, if it makes you feel any better, some damn fish were sucking on my toes", I tell him, knowing I would have to give him something to work with.

Before Steve can start talking again, Trey cuts in.
"Okay. Time for the meeting. Come on", Trey says, and we all follow him into the meeting room.

The meeting room has cracked walls, a desk with a chair that spins on one end of the room, which is Trey's, and a few tables in a horse-shoe shape. I sit on the right side of the room closest to Trey. Nikki sits on the other side. Big Ed sits next to me and Steve sits opposite, next to Nikki. The table opposite to Trey's and the furthest away from him was His table. Caleb's.

I look down at the desk, reading all of the rude words on it to distract me.

"Okay. Let's begin", Trey starts.
"I have found out more information about Maria White, who is now known as Maria Redwood. She lives with Ian Redwood, a man who works for a very powerful, rich business", Trey says, and I can tell where he's going with this one.

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