My life

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I'm Devon. But that's not important. What's important right now is that I'm in the Principle's office.
"Devon, this is the fifth time this month! I think it's time to bring your father in", Mr Parker says, hands clasped together. I should be looking at him, but the creepy picture behind his head is too disturbing and distracting.
"No. Mr Parker, I won't do it again. I mean it this time", I tell him.
"That's what you said last time, and the time before that!", Mr Parker explains.

"Please, Mr Parker. I'm begging you", I plead.
"Fine, but tell me: why did you start talking back and shouting at Miss Cartwright? And why did you start throwing chairs around her class?", Mr Parker's asks, using a quiet, yet serious and demanding tone.
"Because she's turning the music room into a prayer room", I answer him.
"That gives you no right to call her a slutty meatball on legs", he tells me, and I smirk at that, not able to help myself. He gives me a stern look, and I try my hardest to straighten my face. I nod in agreement.

"You can go and apologise to Miss Cartwright, and then I want you to clean the mess you made in her room", he tells me.
"No buts. Go", he says, pointing to the door. I get up and walk to the door, my hand on the handle.
"And Devon?", he asks me.
I turn back to him, waiting for him to continue.
He holds his hand out to produce a key.
"Remember to lock the door after you use the music room", he says.
Walking back and taking it from him, I thank him before leaving.

Walking the halls, I make my way to my locker. There are a lot of cliques in our school: cheerleaders, Football players, Science geeks, Nerds, druggie's, Emo's, Goths, Bullies and Nobody's. They all have their own group. Me? I don't. And I like it that way. No one spares me any attention, and that is perfect, in my opinion. Anyway, I'm used to it. And who wants friends who will just leave them once they've finished with you? Not me.

I sort my locker out, taking my books that I need for this morning out, and shutting the locker. That's when I see Kerry and Niamh standing right next to me. And I knew that this wouldn't be good.

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