Lie detector

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We all get time to think of our two truths and a lie. Once that's done, we start with Allison.

"I have two brothers. I am adopted. I am a natural blonde", she says.

We write down what we think the lie is on a small piece of paper with a pen, and hand it to Allison.

"Hey! Who wrote 'I am a natural blonde' down?", she asks, looking offended. Ryan holds hi hand up, guiltily.

She slaps him on the arm.

"Hey, you said it", Ryan mumbles, gaining himself another slap.

We go on through the circle and it's James' go.

"I am allergic to honey. My first pet was called Fishy. When I was little, people mistook me for a girl", James says, and a smile forms on my face at that.

We all hand in our answers after we've written them down. I chose 'my first pet was called fishy'.

"The answer was 'I am allergic to honey'", James says, and the scores are written on the board. I've gotten quite a few right, but almost everyone is beating me. That's understandable though. I hardly know these people.

The game goes on and we all laugh at the things people come out with. Then, it's my go. I have a hard one for everyone.

"I had a crush on the black power ranger. My name is Danielle. I love cheesecake", I say, and everyone writes down their answers and passes them to Mark who is in control of the scores.

"What was the answer?", Mark asks.

"My name is Danielle", I say, watching almost everyone's jaw drop.

"You know the answer is the lie, right?", Hannah asks me.

I nod my head.

"What? I thought it was the cheesecake that was the lie!", Adam says, sounding astonished.

"No. My love for cheesecake is no lie", I tell him.

"But you said your name was Danielle. You lied to us?", Allison asks me.

"No, I didn't say my name was Danielle. Kerry said that", I explain.

Kerry starts to say something, but I beat her to it.

"Kerry, you told everyone my name was Danielle. I tried to tell you my real name, but you wouldn't listen", I tell her, watching her go silent with embarrassment.

Ryan speaks up.

"Well, what is your real name, then?", he asks me, and everyone looks at me again, wanting to know what it is.

"My real name is Devon", I tell them.

"Hey! I knew it began with a D, at least", Kerry says, trying to make it not seem so bad. I chuckle at that.

"Well, only one of us got that one right. James", Mark says, and everyone looks confused. They all look to James for answers.

"She told me on the ride to laser tag today", James says, shrugging his shoulders.

We keep playing, until the very end. I learn a lot about them. I learn that Mark hates diet coke, Hannah once flushed a wedding ring down the toilet, Kerry accidentally killed her pet fish by feeding it cereal when she was little, and many more. In the end, Allison won. Mark wasn't far behind. Ryan came third. I came last, no shock there.

It gets to half past seven, so we have some food. We end up having chicken and chips that were made by Kerry's cook. We all have a laugh, and they don't seem as bad as I thought they were. But I still can't judge at this time. I still don't know them enough, and they may act different around other people.

By eight, we are all still talking, and it's nice to just have a laugh by talking with people. Nothing but talking. And a few games.

A few of them go home. That includes Adam, Mark, Allison, Hannah, Ellie, Michaela, Katie, Luis, Patrick, Ty, and a few I can't name. All that's left is Kerry, Niamh, Rachel, Ryan, Michael, Daniel, James and me.

We have all made plans to go to the beach tomorrow. For the whole day. Everyone soon leaves, leaving Kerry and me.

"Kerry, I don't think I can go to the beach. I don't have a swimming costume", I tell her, feeling embarrassed about that. That's why I left it until everyone had left.

"Oh okay. You can borrow one of mine. Come on", Kerry says, not sounding so shocked anymore, and willing to help me out. We go to her room and she fishes one out for me. A bikini.

"Are you sure you don't have a one piece? You know, one that doesn't look like a pair of underwear?", I ask her, holding up the bikini.

"No. You'll be fine in this. Try it on", he insists. I go into her wardrobe and try it on.

"Have you got it on yet?", Kerry calls through the doors.

"Yes", I tell her.

"Well, let me see", Kerry says, opening the wardrobe doors and I don't have any time to prepare myself.

She inspects it.

It's a plain black bikini. It actually doesn't look that bad.

"Perfect", she says, as if I'm her masterpiece.

Once that's finished, she tells me that I can wear my own clothes tomorrow if I like, but to wear the bikini underneath it, and bring a towel, underwear and other essentials. She tells me that Brian will take me home, and will bring me here at 10am tomorrow. I thank Kerry for her help.

She walks me to the door, Brian starting the car up.

"Well, see you tomorrow, Devon", Kerry says, emphasising the 'Devon'. I smile at that, and she smiles back.

I walk out to the car and get in. I wave to Kerry before Brain drives us away.

"So are you going to explain the bruise?", Brian asks.

"It was an accident", I tell him, not wanting to say anymore.

"Listen Devon, if someone has hurt you, you need to tell someone", Brian instructs.

"It's not like that, Brian. It wasn't intentional", I explain, and he drops the matter. We sit in silence for a while.

"So I hear that you have told everyone your real name", Brian puts it out there.

"Yeah. I told them in Lie detector".

We keep on talking until we reach my house. I find it to still be empty when I enter my house. I put my bags down and go about finding a towel and other things I may need. I put them in my school bag and set my clothes out for tomorrow. With that done, I sit on our couch, reading a book I borrowed from the school library. I wrap a blanket around me as it's really cold tonight. With the book still in hand, I fall asleep.

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