The Aftermath

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Hi dudes and dudettes! Sorry for not updating recently, but I had to revise a lot. Plus, my Uncle, Auntie and cousin came to visit. And that's quite rare. But I'm back and will be writing more...hopefully. I still have the dreaded exams to prepare for and I'll need a miracle to remember everything for Music. And I'm absolutely crap at remembering things. Anyone else?

So how was your Easter break? Did any of you do anything fun and exciting?

I went to a fair, went to my Great Auntie's 70th birthday dinner thing and ended up playing Doctors with my cousin. I had chicken pox (in the game).

Hope you're all well and happy. And if you know any books I should read just message me.

See ya!
Drew Grey :)

Well, here we are sitting on the edge of a path, feet hanging over onto the road. Kyle is grinning like a madman, his shirt a little torn. James is a lot worse. He has one leg of his jeans completely missing, making it look like he's wearing one jean leg and one shorts leg. Plus, a few scratches here and there. I have scratches all over me, drenched in water and with James' jacket wrapped tightly around my body.

Who ever said that Cheerleaders are dainty and cheerful, were absolutely, positively wrong.
"Wow", Kyle says, breathlessly.
"Damn", James says.
"Well", I murmur.
"That was so awesome and hot", Kyle says, breaking the strange silence.
"How can you say that? We were attacked by vicious cheerleaders who were out for blood", James says, lacking the enthusiasm to argue.
"Because those cheerleaders were chasing us and all wet. It never gets old", Kyle says.
"You knew we were going to be chased out of school and down the street?", James asks him.

"This ain't my first rodeo, Gay J", Kyle says, making James groan in annoyance.
"Why did you pull the fire alarm though?", I ask him, still trying to wrap that around my head.
"To get us out of trouble with Miss Karen. Fire alarm equals getting out of school. That means we won't get in trouble. She might notice us missing, but she won't have a chance to look for us with all the clubs on tonight", Kyle explains, rolling his eyes as though to say 'dumb idiots'.
"Oh. You're welcome, by the way", he adds in.

"You owe me a new top", I mumble, still feeling slightly embarrassed about that. My top was ripped so much that my bra was showing. Kyle had made a joke about it, and they both saw it. Embarrassing as hell! James had awkwardly removed his jacket and handed it to me, not looking at me.

"Aw, but that top had nothing on your Spider-Man bra. You should come in just that tomorrow. It would be hilarious to see all the guys with boners", Kyle laughs, and I glare at him.

After a while of just sitting there, I stand up, wiping the imaginary dust from my soaking jeans. They're sticking to my legs, and my hair is all wet and stringy. The far left base of the pyramid, Katherine, is great at catching, and even better at throwing. She caught the water balloon I had thrown and threw it back at me.

"Well, I think I'll head home now", I say to myself, walking off.
"Aw. Don't go, Bertrude. The fun has only just begun. We could go to Burger King and make sexual jokes to the cashier girls and make them uncomfortable", he says, but I carry on walking.
"You seriously need your head checked", I hear James tell him.

A few moments later, James catches up to me and we walk down the street.
"Hey, you only got a few scratches Gay J. I lost my damn shoe! I've only got one left. They were my favourite shoes too", Kyle shouts out to us.
"Buy a new pair, asshole!", I shout back.
"But then I'll have three shoes!", he shouts back. After that, all I can hear is his voice becoming more distant with each step James and I take.

"We can go to my house. I'll take the Jeep and drop you off at your house", he says, his voice sounding mumbled as I yawn. I would probably be worried about this, and I am. But I can't be bothered to panic and cover up. If it comes to it, I'll tell him the truth and hope he doesn't go batshit crazy on me.

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